The SCM Prime Directive

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Before we finally start actual training and certification, there are a few things that need to be explained on the topic of energy work and energy psychology.

    – Do not pyscho-analyze anyone you work on including yourself.
    – Do not assume you can determine the underlying reasons for any symptom or issue without the framework of a properly opened session.
    – Make sure that the conscious desires of a person you are working on do not interfere with the true desires of their heart and/or soul.
    – Do not work on anyone or anything without express permission from the client, guardian or owner.
    – Let yourself make mistakes.
    – Develop your intuition constantly but use it wisely.
    – Intent is often misunderstood and underestimated.
    – Love is the key.
    – Pure White Perfect Light knows the best thing to do or intend.
    – Be patient and go easy on yourself.
    – Do not pyscho-analyze anyone you work on including yourself.

It has become a tradition to pyscho-analyze a person in the course of doing energy work in many modalities. It may not look like psycho-analysis but even the labeling of energies puts a layer of pyscho-analysis on the situation. People have a very strong longing to find meaning in their lives as well as in their life experiences that may not actually be there. There are some things in life that simply have no logic whatsoever and try as we may, there is no overlaying the situation with any sort of logical explanation of why. This is one of the things that must be understood when considering Soul Code Method certification. You must let go of all labels and need for the reason why an energy is present in a person’s being or why a certain imbalance is disrupting a flow. That being said, the Soul Code Method is a wonderful tool for installing meaning in a person’s life and helping them develop their potential. There is a huge difference in looking for meaning in trauma and finding meaning in life. Please don’t confuse the two.

– Do not assume you can determine the underlying reasons for any symptom or issue without the framework of a properly opened session.

Another basic concept that needs to be understood is that there are no two individuals who have even the most remotely similar energy configuration. It simply isn’t possible. The vastness of the factors in a person’s energetic configuration is immense and we mere mortals have no way of comprehending this incredible concept. ‘The implications of this are that even two people with what look like the exact same symptoms, could have underlying reasons for these symptoms that are like night and day, or like night and garlic. This is another thing that must be understood when considering Soul Code Method certification. You must let go of assuming you can determine the underlying reasons for any symptom or diagnosis just by their presence or your gut feelings. Following this exactly will keep you from working on people who are not ready to be worked or on people who don’t need to be worked on at the moment. It also keeps the “wounded healers” among us from overextending themselves when they should be focusing on their own healing and the healing of their family. Please note: there are people who have the gift of medical intuition; however, these people are very few and are often restricted in their intuition in some respects. As far as I can determine, there are no medical intuitive with perfect diagnostic intuition living on the Earth today.

– Make sure that the conscious desires of a person you are working on do not interfere with the true desires of their heart and/or soul.

When someone makes an appointment with us as practitioners, they many times come with a physical complaint. Oftentimes, though, it turns out that the physical complaint is not the real reason they have come to you though they may not know it. When the physical complaint does not resolve itself within a reasonable period of time or at all, an investigation needs to be made why not. In this situation, it would be very easy to fall into psycho-analysis mode. But even here, it is not necessary to try to find logic. Even the desires of our hearts are not necessarily or always logical. Those who follow their hearts often do arguably crazy things which turn out to be strokes of genius when the dust settles. However, if a person’s heart is blocked in any way, determining the desires of their heart is nearly impossible because the heart does its best to protect its most precious parts. In order to determine the heart’s true desires, the Heart Healing session is indispensable and must be included in a session at some point. I prefer to do one as soon as possible even if it looks like it will take longer to work with the person. The Heart Healing session is the core session for determining what the true desires of a person’s heart are. The same can also be said of the Soul Healing session. Please note that the desires of one’s heart are not necessarily the same as the desires of one’s soul but if they are the same and inline with the person’s core, the person will be more able to achieve them.

– Do not work on anyone or anything without express permission from the client, guardian or owner.

When we see someone in distress, it is absolutely normal to want to do something to resolve or relieve the distress. However, we are not stewards over everything or everyone. How would you like it if you were in distress and someone came and zapped you with a medical device without being asked first or the person even knowing why you were in distress? Some justify doing energy work on people they don’t even know by saying they communicated with the person’s spirit about this. The person’s spirit is not their whole selves or core of their free choice. Some people say they pray about it and get permission. I say that if that is the case, pray for the work to be done. God does not go against anyone’s free choice. If the person lets God do it, then that is just fine. Mere mortals do not have all the resources God has to ask permission of a person to do anything for them. Let people make their own choices. If they are in distress and know what energy work is, offer it to them. If they don’t want it, this is not your problem. A Soul Code Method practitioner always gets permission to do work on someone from that person or the person who has stewardship over them. Remember, the Soul Code Method is about not triggering anything in someone’s subconscious. You do not know all the trauma a person has endured in their lives nor what could trigger something even worse than the distress you are witnessing or do not even see.

Now, if you see someone in physical danger, please find out what is going on and call emergency services as soon as possible. Do what you can to help someone in the real world (without putting yourself in danger) even if it is offering a hug to a stranger. Just keep yourself from dabbling in someone’s energetic world without permission.

– Let yourself make mistakes

No one learned anything by doing everything right every single time. This also applies to energy work. It is impossible to be perfect in doing this work unless you are guided. It is hard to be guided 100% of the time simply because we are not perfect. If you make a mistake, let it go and let the person heal. It is rare that we can cause any damage using the Soul Code Method as long as we stick to the SCM Prime Directive. Also people are more resilient than we give them credit for, otherwise, they would be on the other side already.

– Develop your intuition constantly but use it wisely

Intuition is like a muscle, so using it makes it stronger. It is very popular right now in many modalities to muscle test one’s intuition to get clear fast answers about what is going on in a person energetically and physically. Using muscle testing to find lost things or determining which supplement is best for your body or the body of your child or whether the cake is really done when you forgot to turn on the timer is a very handy thing. Determining what is best for your body or the body of your children or clients in the here and now is a great use of intuition. Just remember to not use your intuition as an oracle. When other people and their free choice are involved in a situation, you do not have access to all the factors necessary to use your intuition properly so making important decisions based on muscle testing intuition can result in personal and group disaster.

– Intent is often misunderstood and underestimated

Most people believe that just wishing something would happen would means they are exerting their intent. Nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to intent with a result. Simply wanting something is not enough. Action of some sort is mandatory. The action, however, is not necessarily physical or fully physical. A person’s spirit needs to be involved. When a person’s conscious self is working hand-in-hand with their spirit, there is enough intent to allow light to move both the material and the non-material. Because of preconceptions about physics in our minds, we find it easier to move the non-material. For most instances, that is all that is necessary. However, the physical can be moved, too, even in unexpected ways and speeds in situations where nothing physical seems to be doing anything. Wonderful things can happen but before they can happen, we need to practice and increase our intent muscle by increasing the communication between our spirits and our conscious selves. This is how the Soul Code Method gets anything done or accomplished.

– Love is the key

It essential to include love in every step you do for yourself or a client. This is reflected in the word “perfect” which accompanies the process of performing a Soul Code Method step. In order to develop the intent of love necessary for each step without having to think “I love you” every time you perform a step, it is essential that you practice beforehand using the exercises in the training material. The SCM is designed to increase love step by step in a continually expanding manner so that you are more able to extend love to all around you in addition to your clients. This increases your ability to focus on your client and send what they need in just the right way and amount.

– Pure White Perfect Light knows the best thing to do or intend

Our minds are limited. We do not have access to every contributing factor to a problem or challenge. Try as we might, we can never learn enough to do all things perfectly in the field of energy work. But we don’t need to. Actually, it can be a huge burden to learn more than we are capable of processing. And often times less is more. When a person has been traumatized, the rules of logic are no longer applicable and need to be replaced by the rules of love. Love makes no judgments and does not analyze anything which could possibly keep a person from receiving love. If a person does not receive love when a Soul Code step is performed, the step will not be finished immediately. The body will try to compensate and will often finish the step over time, but not always. True love produces positive results while lack of love hinders results. Pure White Perfect Light is the core of all love and is indispensable in performing a Soul Code step. Because PWPL has all intelligence and light and knows exactly how much love at what intensity for the step at hand. This means we do not have to know these things. We just have to want them with a pure heart and soul. This is also why it is important that the SCM practitioner be on the path of healing themselves so that they can use their intention as effectively as possible.

– Be patient and go easy on yourself

When people are in distress, they exude an energy that can influence others to help them, often immediately. This is a basic human survival mechanism. However, not all problems are emergencies and unless you work as an EMT or in rescue services, it is very rare that you will need or should work outside of proper office hours. Your doctor doesn’t work outside of proper office hours, neither does your dentist. Why should you? It takes a particular skill set to work in emergency services including in energetic emergency services. This is a part of advanced energy work training. In the meantime, it is not a good idea to hang out in FB groups waiting for someone to post a plea of “help me!” and respond with help. Chances are this person is having a crisis that involves a lot more than a quick fix. This brings me to quick fixes – the Soul Code Method rarely provides a quick fix to anything. And when it does, you’ll never know in advance. Therefore, it is imperative to let your clients know that it will most likely take multiple sessions to achieve their goals.