Category Archives: Reoccurring

The Heartwall and Growth

The Heartwall is a collection of trapped emotions clustered together that block light according to Dr. Nelson who wrote “The Emotion Code”. There are always underlying reasons why a heartwall is there. These reasons form a structure on which the trapped emotions stick or form. If there can be a heartwall structure at all, the person’s heart is weak in some way and even if you remove a heartwall and its underlying reasons, it is very possible that something new can damage the heart and trigger a new heartwall to protect it. In some people, the weakness under a heartwall can shift around from place to place, making it very difficult to pin down where the weakness in the heart is and resolve it.

In order for a person to be permanently relieved of their heartwall, the underlying area of the heart needs to be strong enough to withstand the pressures and trauma of life. For many, this requires something more than simply removing the heartwall and its underlying reasons for being there. There needs to be growth as well. However, growth is not possible if the area is not totally healed. This is where the Soul Code Method can help out.

The Soul Code Method is not just about helping a person heal aspects of their heart and life but it is also about helping a person grow and develop in those areas that were previously weak. Growth is a key concept in a stable life. Without growth, we tend to get caught in ruts and relive the same issues over and over again (even when we think we have them all resolved!) – until we learn what we need to learn and change things. The Soul Code Method is about positive change.

Come join our SCM Practice Group on Facebook and learn what healing and growth means!

Heartwalls That Won’t Stay Away

The Emotion Code and the Body Code developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson are currently popular energy work modalities. Once you get the hang of muscle testing, these modalities are very easy to use and many have benefited greatly from them. One of the issues that these modalities focus on is the concept of the Heartwall. A heartwall is a collection of trapped negative emotions that are held together with limiting beliefs and kept in place by disconnections between the person’s heart and their true personal light or essence. This wall is meant to protect the heart but what it really does is keep the person’s light from getting out into the world and keeps other sources of true light from getting into the person’s heart and essence. In the short term, a heartwall can be very helpful if not critical during times of trauma that are greater than the capacity of the heart to endure them. But once the need for a heartwall has past, the heart should be able to let it go and resume proper light flow. But unfortunately this is not always the case. In fact, most people who develop a heartwall need help at some point to release its components and let the light flow. And some of those people never seem to be able to live a heartwall free life despite all the work they put into resolving the underlying issues that produce a heartwall.

So finally after practicing the Emotion Code (certified) and the Body Code since 2009 and researching heartwalls especially, I’ve discovered that if a heartwall keeps ‘coming back’, this indicates a specific type of heart trouble. At least one piece of the heart contains so little light (if any) that the heart does not recognize it as a part of itself. This lack of light is due to trauma of some sort. Without light there is little or no awareness of anything. This is why a piece missing doesn’t come up with normal muscle testing or intuition. However, the symptoms are there and obvious and no matter what muscle testing says, if your life appears to be blocked, it probably is. If your life is blocked, heart work is on your list.

Now what to do about it. I personally think any modality can deal with this issue and help missing pieces get enough light so they are recognized by the heart as pieces of itself. It is critical that this is done because every single part of the heart is needed for your life. Your heart is a vessel which holds and distributes your light and the light it receives from outside. If a part is not working right, the light distributed will not be 100% direct, to the point and fulfilling its purpose. It is in these parts that don’t have much if any light that the underlying reasons for the reoccurring heartwall reside.

If you practice Emotion Code/Body Code, one approach is to simply test for trapped emotions that keep you from being aware of pieces of yourself. This only works for some. For others, limiting beliefs that keep the awareness of these pieces suppressed need to be addressed and removed. Still for others, limiting beliefs as well as spirit-body connections need to be made. Not everyone is the same in this area.

If you used other modalities, focus your intention when using them as above: Find and release the trapped emotional energy keeping you from being aware of any piece of yourself, and if necessary, identify and release the limiting beliefs involved as well as make sure the proper connections between your light and your heart are repaired and functioning well. I am sure you have the tools do this!

And of course, if you need extra support and help with this issue, the Soul Code Method has been designed
to take into account all the energies, structures and disconnects that may be involved in finding and working with these pieces of yourself. Visit the Services page for scheduling and prices. If you have any questions, send me a message!