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Our Full Armor of PWPL affects how we work on others

The way we interact with the different energies in us and around us not only forms the foundation of our perceptions but also of our personal choices. Unless our relationship with both our inside energy and the energy around us is 100% happy and balanced or optimized to the point of pretty much being unaffected by outside influences, we will always be at the mercy and whim of someone else’s configuration. We have all the control we need to allow ourselves to be fully impenetrable or impervious to outside influences once we have full mastery of our inside energy. (Un)fortunately, this can also affect how our energy interacts with the energy of our clients if we are energy workers. If our own personal energy is not fully calmed, our issues can transfer to our clients’ energy, and we may be doing work that is not actually for them without realizing it, which is frustrating for all involved.

Gaining full mastery of our inner energy is always a challenge especially if we just look at ourselves without stepping 100% out of our way. It is important to disassociate ourselves as practitioners from ourselves as clients. Otherwise, we risk missing something due to our blind spots. The way I do this is to stroke a magnet over the governing meridian while intending that I get out of my way 100%. After this, I work on Cassandra rather than myself. I can ask Cassandra to do things that I can’t do like turn around so I can see the back of her field. This lets me work on Cassandra objectively and avoid blind spots.

Once I am working on Cassandra, the best thing to do is an overall analysis of her energy starting with the integrity of her energy type. This can be done using a 0-10 scale with 10 being 100% healthy and happy. If it is not a 10/10, there are several methods using the SCM to work on this. The easiest is using PWPL Reiki but if you don’t have this attunement, using the Basic SCM table is the best tool ( First, start the session in prayer to PWPL/God to open the session properly for all involved. Then ask how many issues are involved so that interdependencies can be taken into account. The first round will be a set of steps off the table. After this is done, test the issues to see if they are all 10/10. If they are not, do the next round of steps off the table. Repeat this procedure until all issues are 10/10. When the session is done, pray to PWPL/God to properly close the session for all involved.

Internal energetic integrity is definitely the foundation to being firm enough to not only face the energy around us but also engage with it in a productive way. I call this the Full Armor of Pure White Perfect Light. It protects but at the same time allows us to let our own light out in a way that lifts people up rather than encroaching on their energy regardless of our energy type or theirs. It also allows us to be strong when we come into contact with strong energy that is normally too much for us.

We can configure our personal Full Armor of Pure White Perfect Light using the same tools that we used for working on the integrity of our inner energy. Again it is best to disassociate ourselves as practitioners from ourselves as clients. Otherwise, we risk missing something due to our blind spots. The way I do this is to stroke a magnet over the governing meridian while intending that I get out of my way 100%. After this, I work on Cassandra rather than myself. I can ask Cassandra to do things that I can’t do like turn around so I can see the back of her field. This lets me work on Cassandra objectively and avoid blind spots.

Once I am working on Cassandra, the best thing to do is an overall analysis of the parameters of her Full Armor of PWPL in relation to her energy type. There are three areas to look at here: the Heart, the Soul and the Core. These can be checked using a 0-10 scale with 10 being 100% healthy and happy. If they are not a 10/10, it is a good idea to work on them as one group or unit so that interdependencies can be automatically addressed. There are several methods using the SCM to work on this. The easiest is using PWPL Reiki but if you don’t have this attunement, using the Basic SCM table is the best tool. First, start the session in prayer to PWPL/God to open the session properly for all involved. The first round will be a set of steps off the table. After this is done, test the issues to see if they are all 10/10. If they are not, do the next round of steps off the table. Repeat this procedure until all issues are 10/10. When the session is done, pray to PWPL/God to properly close the session for all involved.

When you are done working on you as the client or do not have any more capacity to change energetically for the moment, it is time to close the session in prayer.

Safe and Effective Group Work

Group work in energy psychology or energy healing is a vastly misunderstood topic and entails more involvement with the individual members of a group than most practitioners are aware of. Traditionally, emotion-based energy workers simply detect a negative emotional energy field within a group and release it. But few stop to analyze what allowed the individuals in a group to each hold onto that negative energy to begin with. Furthermore, few follow up on the results of such releases in the individuals of the group. And even fewer consider possible unwanted negative consequences for susceptible members of the group.

Another aspect of group work is the basic fact that energy work is not exclusively about releasing negative emotional energy. Emotional energy is the product of beliefs which themselves are not emotional energy but are structures that carry and interpret light a bit like optic fibers. Every single person is configured differently with their own set of belief structures unique to their situation and choices. Because each person carries a unique set of belief structures, no other person can truly and fully interpret things the same way as that first person. It is essentially impossible to walk in a person’s moccasins to that extent. In addition, incompatible belief structures can be absorbed by or forced into a person’s field which do not interpret the person’s own light but rather light from another indirect source not in the person’s best interest or highest good. Incompatible structures can interfere with a person’s own structures and cause cognitive dissonance and flow issues in any area of the person’s life or body. They can also be triggered by well intentioned work if the practitioner does not take precautions. But few are even aware of this potential situation. And fewer have any idea on how best to avoid triggering something that they have no awareness of and can’t have awareness of.

The Soul Code Method is probably one of the best modalities for dealing with this situation safely. Because practitioners are human and by definition imperfect in awareness, intent, intuition and action, the SCM relies on PWPL (Pure White Perfect Light – the whole spectrum of light that made the Universe and all in it) to not only be perfectly aware but also to also perfectly intend, know and do. PWPL knows what needs to be done and how best to do it – we just need to be told what that is and ask for it. But PWPL cannot force anything onto anyone, even those who have already passed on. Permission to do anything for anyone must be procured and explicitly expressed by all in the group to allow effective and safe group work for all involved. Often it is impossible for us as practitioners to get explicit permission from every member of a group so we ask PWPL to ask permission of all involved. PWPL invites all involved into the field of the situation and asks for the necessary permission for action to be taken. This means only those who have given permission will have any work done for them. Often we may not know all who are involved so we trust that everyone willing to accept the help will be helped and those who haven’t, won’t – without their personal boundaries being overstepped at all. This also means no one will suffer unintended consequences resulting from any work done for the group.

Besides permission, the next critical thing to take into account is the unique, individual way a member of the group may interact with a group negative energy (or belief structure, for that matter). PWPL is aware of all the possible configurations. If we have asked PWPL to invite all involved into a situation, the actual steps that need to be taken for anyone in the group are accounted for and sorted in such a way that when you use the SCM Basic Table to determine the necessary steps, each step will be done at the same time for every member of the group that truly needs it and no others. This makes the work more efficient, effective and safe for both the group and the individuals, regardless if negative emotional energy is released, incompatible structures are removed or compatibles structures healed or new compatible structures are installed. It also includes the repair and healing of connections that are critical to the flow of light from each individual’s essence.

While any modality that lends itself to group work can use the technique of asking PWPL to invite all involved into the situation to be worked on, using the SCM Basic Table for all the group work steps spares you the need of psycho-analysis or interpretation or the exact words of a belief structure or named emotional energy, or any details of who or what or how many were involved and when or why. Simply trust PWPL to do what is in the best interest and highest good of all involved.

Setting up parameters for change

In the Soul Code Method, one of the most important concepts that I have integrated into it is a list of things I call the 6 Parameters which are the foundation of the Principle of Change. They need to be done in this order:

1) 100% Centered
2) 100% in Polarity with Pure White Perfect Light (PWPL)/God
3) 100% Balanced
4) 100% in PWPL/God’s Design/Framework for that person
5) 100% in the Present/Here and Now
6) Have a 100% Full Set of Structures/Beliefs which are one with PWPL/God.

One of my students read this and asked “Well, what is centering and balancing?” And I thought to myself – that is a very good question which I had not considered before. So I thought about it! And since my husband works at the airport doing weight and balance for airplanes, I am using the analogy of coming into an airport.

Centering is about being centered in relation to one’s path. This is like an airplane approaching a runway. It is not any runway but one that is part of a specific airport which represents PWPL’s framework for that person. There are several runways at this airport but for the given situation, it needs to be a specific one. This runway is the most efficient for getting into or out of the person’s framework for the given situation. Do not forget – technically you can be centered but with the wrong runway at your airport or maybe the wrong airport! This is why centering comes first! Your physical body is the physical representation of your airport so be centered there!

Grounding is communication not only with ground control but also with the plane instrumentation to be able to land properly. This information provides stability and a connection with all the sources of PWPL you need for the situation. The light and energy will flow properly here. One of the sources of PWPL in this case needs to be your essence which is held by your heart and it needs to be at 100% for the situation.

Balancing is making sure the yin-yang of the situation is in trim so that landing is smooth. Everything in the airplane must be in the right place to keep the airplane in balance or a bumpy landing or worse could happen.

Being in the here and now means neither the past nor the future is influencing the situation and you have not only landed but are at the right gate in the terminal.

The full set of oneness with PWPL/God beliefs means that the situation can be interpreted properly, meaning, you know where you’ve been and where you’re going at the terminal and into the airport proper. From here, you know where to take another flight or do something else at the airport.

Our lives a series of flights originating and later returning to our selves. The above analogy is for achieving a goal but the same analogy can also be adapted for planning a goal or growing and developing. The sky is not the limit!

Let the Soul Code Method help you get your parameters one with PWPL!

Heartwalls That Won’t Stay Away

The Emotion Code and the Body Code developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson are currently popular energy work modalities. Once you get the hang of muscle testing, these modalities are very easy to use and many have benefited greatly from them. One of the issues that these modalities focus on is the concept of the Heartwall. A heartwall is a collection of trapped negative emotions that are held together with limiting beliefs and kept in place by disconnections between the person’s heart and their true personal light or essence. This wall is meant to protect the heart but what it really does is keep the person’s light from getting out into the world and keeps other sources of true light from getting into the person’s heart and essence. In the short term, a heartwall can be very helpful if not critical during times of trauma that are greater than the capacity of the heart to endure them. But once the need for a heartwall has past, the heart should be able to let it go and resume proper light flow. But unfortunately this is not always the case. In fact, most people who develop a heartwall need help at some point to release its components and let the light flow. And some of those people never seem to be able to live a heartwall free life despite all the work they put into resolving the underlying issues that produce a heartwall.

So finally after practicing the Emotion Code (certified) and the Body Code since 2009 and researching heartwalls especially, I’ve discovered that if a heartwall keeps ‘coming back’, this indicates a specific type of heart trouble. At least one piece of the heart contains so little light (if any) that the heart does not recognize it as a part of itself. This lack of light is due to trauma of some sort. Without light there is little or no awareness of anything. This is why a piece missing doesn’t come up with normal muscle testing or intuition. However, the symptoms are there and obvious and no matter what muscle testing says, if your life appears to be blocked, it probably is. If your life is blocked, heart work is on your list.

Now what to do about it. I personally think any modality can deal with this issue and help missing pieces get enough light so they are recognized by the heart as pieces of itself. It is critical that this is done because every single part of the heart is needed for your life. Your heart is a vessel which holds and distributes your light and the light it receives from outside. If a part is not working right, the light distributed will not be 100% direct, to the point and fulfilling its purpose. It is in these parts that don’t have much if any light that the underlying reasons for the reoccurring heartwall reside.

If you practice Emotion Code/Body Code, one approach is to simply test for trapped emotions that keep you from being aware of pieces of yourself. This only works for some. For others, limiting beliefs that keep the awareness of these pieces suppressed need to be addressed and removed. Still for others, limiting beliefs as well as spirit-body connections need to be made. Not everyone is the same in this area.

If you used other modalities, focus your intention when using them as above: Find and release the trapped emotional energy keeping you from being aware of any piece of yourself, and if necessary, identify and release the limiting beliefs involved as well as make sure the proper connections between your light and your heart are repaired and functioning well. I am sure you have the tools do this!

And of course, if you need extra support and help with this issue, the Soul Code Method has been designed
to take into account all the energies, structures and disconnects that may be involved in finding and working with these pieces of yourself. Visit the Services page for scheduling and prices. If you have any questions, send me a message!

Finding the True Voice of Your Heart

We all have much to learn about ourselves and sometimes it is really hard to realize how much the heart is involved in the decisions we make on a daily basis. It is hard because the traumas we experience as children result in skewed views of the world and how to live it. Skewed views usually keep us from the information we need to not only resolve old issues but to also become more resilient against new ones. If I cannot totally resolve the issues that skew my perception, I will never be able to perceive where the true core issue of my problem is. Getting to the core of any issue is the only way to solve it. Anything else is a band-aid over the wound.

Getting to the core of an issue requires each type of information involved right back to the original trauma even if it is inherited. Without this information, the physical body will not know what to let go of or allow to be changed. So having access to this information is critical. Yet because of differences due to energy type, family line type, and essence type, getting the information may not be as easy as simply energy testing the subconscious. A person is more than their subconscious when it comes to many issues. Therefore, it is of great importance to access a person in such a way that all sources of information for everything about that person is available. I call this the person’s truth. This is a subset of all truth and is the truth that that person has been exposed to and has allowed into their essence. This means that every person in the world has a different truth than anyone else. A person’s truth is unique to them and them alone. Accessing a person’s truth is accessing the very depths of that person’s core.

To understand a person’s truth, it needs to be translated through structures of pure white perfect light which culminates in what I call the person’s true voice. This voice of truth comes through a person’s heart into the outside world and physical body of the person. When a person’s true voice is 100% full and direct and complete, you will have all the information about that person and all of their issues and goals. You could also say that a person’s true voice is also the voice of their higher selves which I consider the person after all has been healed and developed to the highest level possible for this universe. Interpreting that information depends on your mental structures and how properly connected to your essence and the essence of PWPL. As practitioners, our goal should be to help a person heal and develop their true voice so that their life can heal and develop to its full potential. But to help our client’s, we must work on our own true voice and let it fill our heart and soul to the max!

All modalities can do this true voice work; however, the modality you use must include not only mental structure healing skills but also any sort of connection issue repair and growth skills. The Soul Code Method can help you find your true voice easily!

Energy Types and Their Influences

Everybody is different and so is their energy. There are many ways to look at a person’s energy and ways of allowing it to change and heal and grow. Various modalities look at how a person works with their energy and attempt to guide it in a certain way. However, this may not be the right thing to do with certain people. A person’s energy is an expression of all they’ve been through as well as all the potential that person has. Attempting to put that person’s energy into a certain direction or pattern can actually cause blocks for the person. Just like the person born with no legs who learns how to be a gymnast thereby finding ways to compensate for the lack of legs, someone born with energy patterns that do not conform to the expected ‘norm’ may not be able to accept ‘normal’ energy work without losing all they’ve gained over their life through learning how to compensate for what we take for granted.

As with a person who has an energy that doesn’t correspond to expected patterns, there can also be families that do not correspond to expected patterns. Most people don’t even realize that families have particular patterns that determine how the family develops and proceeds to the next generation. When a family has blocks to its development and growth, often it will compensate by allowing one or more of its family members to develop gifts that are not part of the ancestral palette of abilities and talents. Plants start putting all their energy into seed production when faced with lack of nutrients or with inclement weather threatening the existence of those plants. Families facing lack of resources or impending extinction in certain areas (mental, emotional, spiritual, physical) tend to put all their energy into those family members who are able to bring the family through the critical threat. This enables the family to survive. This also tends to change the family energy type and require the family heal in unorthodox ways and directions. This means that typical energetic clearing of a family line will not work or will not work as expected. Our ancestors hold onto negative energy in different ways and what may help one release a negative energy will not help another. Therefore, adaptable techniques are needed to clear and heal a non-typical family line. As far as I know, there are only a few modalities that are adaptable enough to take on a non-typical family line; Reiki, the Soul Code Method, EFT, Traditional Chinese Medicine. The easiest of these is the Soul Code Method because it is designed to be as non-triggering as possible where the others will often result in processing symptoms and, depending on the intent of the practitioner, a few false starts.

My First SCM Meme!

A critical principle in energy work!

Releasing negative energy can be wonderful but if it keeps coming back, it is essential to find the mental structure that allows the negative energy to come back or be regenerated. The Soul Code Method Certification training teaches you how to do this!

Asking for Help to Allow

Prayer is one of the most amazing tools we have to communicate with our Higher Power/PWPL/God. Many of us make a point of praying for help in many areas of our lives including praying for healing. Miracles have happened because of this. Yet miracles do not always happen and this tests the faith of many. Other times, miracles take a while to come to pass or they do not come at the intensity required for the situation. Our Higher Power/PWPL/God wants us to receive miracles. Our Higher Power/PWPL/God wants us to fulfill a purpose in this world. Our Higher Power/PWPL wants us to be happy and creative. Our Higher Power/PWPL/God is always there offering – we simply need to receive – but there lies the rub.

We don’t allow ourselves to receive all that our Higher Power/PWPL/God wants us to receive. So when we pray and beg and plead for our Higher Power/PWPL/God to grant us miracles yet we don’t receive them, it’s not our Higher Power/PWPL/God’s fault we don’t receive them. It’s at some level, our own fault. We may blame it on the influence of our subconscious but we have veto power over our subconscious. We may blame it on our genes or our ancestors or our physical environment. We may blame it on our childhood trauma or our current circumstances. We may blame it on false beliefs in our chakras or blocks on our meridians or muck on our auras. We may even blame it on God. But in the end, it is our very own choice. This choice must be made down to the very core of our essence. However, we may feel like we need help to make this choice to the extent necessary. This is where prayer comes in! If we ask our Higher Power/PWPL/God for help in allowing our Higher Power/PWPL/God to give us what we need, those false beliefs or fears or incomplete understandings are resolved so we can make the decision to choose to receive blessings.

Following up on this, it is also a good idea to make sure we have dedicated our choice to our Higher Power/PWPL/God. Not only does this protect our choice from the influences of our subconscious and other things, it also allows our choice to be strengthened and magnified. When we do this, our faith is increased and strengthened as well.

We have our own lives but we are also involved with many people including our families, friends, colleagues, congregation, and so many others. These people also need the support of their Higher Power/PWPL/God but may not realize how their choices either help the receive this support or reject it. While it would be nice to talk with each person we have contact with about this choice, it is often impractical or at times impossible. This is also where prayer, our Higher Power/PWPL/God’s wonderful gift to us, comes into play. Instead of simply praying that a person be blessed with this or that, it is often more effective to pray that they be helped to allow the blessings you want for them or that they need. It is a fine difference yet an important distinction. Not everyone realizes the importance of their choices in relation to all the influences in and around them that would keep them from making the choice to be blessed. But when we pray for them, God sends his emissaries to persuade and convince the person at whatever level to make the choice to be blessed. It might take time and many prayers but it will help the person.

Pray for someone today that they be helped to allow the blessings God has for them!