How to Use the SCM Level 1 Cheat Sheet

The SCM Level 1 Cheat Sheet is a tool for those who are new to energy work and for those who need more intent training in particular areas of a Procedure. It is not always necessary to have on hand if you are totally confident in using your intent. That being said, you should still keep it around no matter what because you never know when you need to know a particular detail.

Here’s the PDF to download! SCM Cheat Sheet-3-PDF

Clicking on the image will also open the PDF into a new window that you can print out easily. Please do this immediately so that you are ready to practice. When I print a copy, I usually reduce the size so that two copies fit on a page which I then keep in my wallet or bag or pocket. Those that need larger print can of course print at 100%.

There are four main sections to this Cheat Sheet. When it is necessary to know what the details of the next step is while working on someone, simply muscle/energy test which of the four sections to go to.

Section 1:
If you test that you need to go to the first section – the Basic SCM Table, use the table by first testing which column and then which row to narrow down the cell needed. Each cell contains the bare minimum of information you need to intend that the step be done. Because the SCM is designed to be as non-triggering as possible to a person’s energy field, it is important to _not_ ask for more information when you are directed to use the Basic SCM Table. This includes any source of the imbalance or information on inheritance, etc. You simply intend (according to the appropriate level of intent) that “this step be done”. Remember – in the SCM, you are not doing the work but intending that it be done by PWPL.

Section 2
Section 2 has a lot of information in it, not all of it for direct healing but assist you in intending or knowing what is happening or needs to happen. Once you test to be in this section, continue testing which part of the section is needed.

Section 2, Part 1: What to work on
This part is a list of things to do starting with a simple Step. If you come to this, muscle test again which section on the Cheat Sheet is applicable to do the step – it could be in Sections 1, 3 or 4.

An Issue is a group of steps that need to be done next. You can test how many steps are in the issue to clear it properly. Each step could be in a different section on the Cheat Sheet. When all the steps have been done, it is possible to go back to the What to work on list.

An Asymmetrical shape is the non-triggering term for Soul Block. Asymmetrical shapes are always caused by non-light and still has non-light in it or associated with it. They are basically blisters between the interfaces for the spirit and soul or the soul and physical body. No information can get through these blisters. The subconscious does not know about them either. The only way to resolve a blister-like asymmetrical shape is to intend that PWPL do it. These blisters can be the absolute core problem for many things, especially chronic things.

A Symmetrical shape is the non-triggering term for a blister between between the interfaces for the spirit and soul or the soul and physical body that no longer has non-light in it or associated with it. Despite the fact that there is no non-light involved, no information can get through these blisters and the subconscious does not know about them. The presence of these symmetrical shapes indicates the removal of non-light but without the required healing of the area.

A Weakness is a less than optimal area in a basic core matrix of a person’s existence. It cannot be repaired or changed through human intent. It can only be repaired or changed through PWPL. However, the person must agree to the repair or change before PWPL can make changes. This is done by the person asking to be shown this weakness at whatever level by PWPL even if it is not at the conscious level. When the person has been fully shown, they become fully open to what PWPL has to communicate at that level. This gives the person the ability to choose whether or not they want PWPL to make any changes that will allow more PWPL through and resolve the weakness at the level it exists.

An Age is an indication that a certain type of emotional issue is not fully resolved. An age can appear to be from any time in the past or in the future in relation to the person’s real mortal age. Test what level of intent is necessary to finish the resolution of this age in the person.

A Non-light entity is a relatively non-triggering term for what others call a non-embodied spirit – a spirit of a person that will never receive a physical body. They are considered evil, meaning they purposely go against PWPL and do their best to deceive mortals to do the same and so on. They do not always appear dark for those who can see and feel. Some have the ability to deflect or mirror light and appear as if they are something more than non-light. Being able to discern them outside of the SCM requires the ability to know if light is 100% direct and full light. If a non-light entity comes up in your testing, it is not attached to anything and can be sent away to where it came from through the proper level of intent. No further information about it is needed or advised.

Section 2, Part 2: Healing Module

The Healing Module is a short cut for healing certain kinds of issues. It heals according to PWPL’s plan for the person and not only balances and make stable the energy of the situation, it also allows PWPL into the situation, removes all non-helpful mental structures interfering in the situation as well as removes the emotional charge of the situation until it is weightless. And if there is any non-light involved, that is removed safely as well.

Section 2, Part 3: Levels of Intent

Levels of Intent is simply the list of the levels of intent that are used in the SCM. This list just happened to fit here on the Cheat Sheet with no other meaning attached to its placement.

Section 3: Where are the components?
This section also has two main parts. The table on the left is a collection of components that comprise our existence. Although it is a purely artificial construct, this set of components helps us understand and grasp how issues and problems can cross lines and affect us at levels we are often not aware of. These components help us become more aware.

The first column comprises the components of the Core. The third column comprises the components of the Being and then the Life of a person. An issue may have parts in any of these components or even encompass the whole Core or whole Being or whole Life of a person or family. This concept is very important to realize. If you do not have an awareness that a negative energy or structure can encompass the whole of you or your family, you will never perceive it to do something about it. Be sure to check whether you or your family is ready for this step.

The fifth column lists overall existence – meaning everything that is not you or your energy – as well as certain cordings into the sixth column. Cordings are energetic conduits made of a mixture of non-light and used-up energy that has not been properly excreted. The type of negative energy a cording transports is reflected in the name of the cording. Cordings can only be removed properly if all the underlying reasons for the cording to be in a person have been resolved and the person has a proper excretory system for the components involved. Otherwise, the cording will regenerate. Another aspect is whether a person is able to resist cording to begin with. Often we are born with enough light for our existence but trauma covers it up and keeps us from allowing our light to grow and develop as we grow up. This leaves aspects of our light underdeveloped so even if we do get to the underlying reasons for a cording to be attached to any part of us, our light is too weak to keep them from reattaching. This requires our light be supported by others until we have allowed our light to grow to the strength we need to be cording free. This growth happens through Garden sessions when the person is ready and willing.

Section 4, Part 1: States
The first table in this section is a list of States that affect us in many ways, positively and negatively depending on how happy and balanced they are. If they are not happy and balanced or even non-functional or damaged, negative and destructive energy and structures can be generated and sent to parts of the body that are susceptible to the negativity. If a state is not able to stay happy and balanced even in the absence of trauma or underlying reasons, again the person’s light is underdeveloped and needs strengthening. When the person is ready and willing, a Garden session can do this.

Section 4, Part 2: Finishing up

When a series of procedures are done to resolve issues or problems, there are still a few steps to be done to ensure that the light that is uncovered lands in the person’s circuit with PWPL. Usually, this happens automatically when a series of procedures is finished but if this is not the case, these three steps – integration, unification and putting all the light in the circuit with PWPL.