The Visualization for the Circuit

The Principle of PWPL is a core part of the Soul Code Method. It is one of the ideas that separates this modality from most others. Another part of the SCM that makes it quite unique is the concept of the Circuit. We are all familiar with light from different sources of PWPL but giving what we have to Universal PWPL, letting it be blessed and then receiving it back is something that no other modality that I know of works with consciously. Most of the time and for most people, this happens automatically but those with severe trauma, especially childhood trauma, may not have learned how to do this for certain parts of themselves. Below I have the script for the Visualization as well as an MP3 of myself guiding you through. All of you have already experiences this visualization at least once so this should be familiar. Whenever possible, you should lead your clients through this at least once, especially at the end of the initial Heart Session and then whenever it seems appropriate and the client wants it. It is very empowering for the client to go through this visualization even if they don’t actually see anything in their mind’s eye. Let them know they can go through this on their own anytime they would like.

PWPL Circuit Visualization Script

Most of the time, however, the client does not need to consciously go through the Visualization once they feel comfortable with it. As a Practitioner, you can help them get their light in their circuit with Universal PWPL using the level of your intent that is necessary.