Principle of Growth and Development Using the SCM and PWPL

Growth is vital to our existence and happiness. Growth comes from access to PWPL when we are ready. Growth does not come simply from clearing negative energies and attaching certain mental structures to our essence. It requires a connection to the source of all growth which is PWPL. Growth using the SCM is not simply an intention. Creation is involved as well. To create, we take PWPL and desire that it do certain things to allow our connection to that part of PWPL that will help us grow. And of course, once we have created something that allows us to grow and develop, it is in our best interest and highest good to give this something back to PWPL to be further blessed and to then receive it back into our essence to strengthen our relationship circuit with PWPL and ourselves.

Before we can use the SCM to allow growth, it is important to have a true understanding of what we want to achieve as well as a stable foundation to build our growth on. Knowing what we want to achieve comes by actually thinking about it and making decisions that give us a clear picture of that desire. If we don’t know what we want or need in terms of growth or development, our intention will not be in the position to create something. For some, this might be an uncomfortable task because it does require self-honesty in areas that perhaps had been ignored previously. However, this part is necessary to define intent.

Once you know what you want or desire, it is important to have the proper foundation to build the growth. This may require continued healing or repair in one of more areas of the energetic body and perhaps even in the physical body. This can be tested energetically. If either foundational or repair work is still needed, it is wise to stop here and do that before going on. A strong structure needs a sure foundation or it will be wobbly. And of course, it is really hard to work on a foundation if you have already started building a structure over it – even if the structure is made of PWPL. The foundation allows proper light to go to all areas of the new structure.

Once you have a proper foundation and all repairs have been completed in the energetic body and physical body, the following types of work can be done to build the structure to promote growth according to the blueprint of your goal. These are different types of energetic building blocks that bridge gaps in a person’s own intent:

1. Single blocks of intention. which can be used to build PWPL walls or floors.

2. Connective light to hold blocks of intention together.

3. Light that connects to the physical body. This light is comprised of PWPL and Chi and is taken in through the main chakras and meridians.

4. Light that comes from other people and groups of people. This is required to build supports that can be anchored in your circuit with PWPL and in your circuits with those offering their light. Without adequate supports, any structure will become unstable eventually.

5. Conscious softening of the heart to allow the light of others in. Having access to the light of others is not sufficient. We must let it become a part of ourselves in order for proper supports to be not only created but in our circuit with PWPL and those who have offered their light. You may be surprised of who has offered their light to you for any particular desire.

This softening of the heart also goes the other way. There are of course many around you who need your light support as well. When you soften your heart and let your heart light out, you are in a position to offer it to others who need it for support. When they are able to allow a circuit of support with you, both of you benefit. It is to everyone’s benefit to create circuits of support which can then be given to PWPL for further strengthening and received back in a more stable condition into our hearts, essences and circuits with PWPL.

6. Some light does not need to be attached to anything to be helpful. This type of light can be a guiding light that disperses when the goal has been reached.

7. Structures of light that hold not only intent but also allow light to both flow and be held where needed. For example, this type of structure can hold a guiding light for as long as it is needed.

8. Structures of light that hold and allow access to light from others other than light used for support relationship circuits. For example, group guiding light or multi-group guiding light.

9. Personal structures and light that strengthen the heart to not only increase the heart’s reception of outside light but to also increase the heart’s capacity to hold not only light but structures of light.

10. Full structures full of light that contain any number of internal or external light accesses and structures. This can include structures that the person has created or have been created by PWPL itself. These structures can hold guiding lights and PWPL flows. Furthermore, it is possible to create a type of copy of this configuration and pass it to another person if they are ready for it. The PWPL ball for SCM practitioners is a good example of this.