Specific Procedures and the Level 2 Procedure Sheet

Each SCM level has its own procedure sheet to help train your intent for the type of work you are doing in that level.

The Level 2 Procedure Sheet has been designed to cover all possible healing scenarios and hangups for working with energy for a group or ancestral line. It is very compact and does not allow for psycho-analysis. What it does allow for is personal style. We all have gifts and talents that are not restricted to using a magnet or prayer to have work done energetically. It is important to develop your personal gifts and talents when doing energy work so that the work will go smoother and your intuition will be more precise. Please work with me in determining your personal gifts and talents and helping your develop them in relation to Soul Code Method procedures. if you don’t feel like you have any specific personal gifts and talents that could be used with the SCM, work with me and most likely you will be surprised.

To use the Level 2 Procedure Sheet, please always have a magnet with you. I know many energy workers feel that they no longer need extra physical focus tools to create the intention necessary to do energy work of all kinds. I assure you that when you start using the Soul Code Method on certain situations and issues and certain clients with deep problems, your intent will be tried to its max – especially when working with groups. Also being in the best possible relationship with your Higher Power/PWPL is critical to be able to ask that certain steps be done for the client. We are all Children of PWPL and that means we are not yet full in our awareness or abilities or intent or development by definition. Please do not underestimate the power and importance of prayer as direct communication with your Higher Power/PWPL.

Having the Session Opened Properly through PWPL
To start a session, it is critical to allow PWPL to absolutely properly open the session for you and the client and all else who/which needs to be there through prayer. As children with limited awareness, we let PWPL do this so that nothing is missed or neglected in setting up the session for healing and change in the client’s best interest and highest good in this mortality. There is no need to consciously focus on previous experiences that occurred before we were born unless specifically indicated by a procedure. Previous experiences before this mortal life have already been processed and the light from those experiences is already in our personal essence. Conscious access to previous experiences before mortality indicate a physical imbalance that can be addressed using a general procedure.

Being Stable and Open for the Procedure
After the session has been properly opened through PWPL, test both yourself and the client and the group you will be working on and determine whether all involved are 100% stable and open for energy work and change in the best interest and highest good of all involved. If one or more parties are not 100% stable and open, please use the magnet or pray for the proper procedure to be done for those who need it. Do not continue until all involved are ready or the session will not be as effective as all would like or need. Laying this foundation can also be made absolutely permanent if desired and all involved are ready and open for it. As a practitioner, this is a very good thing to do for yourself.

Reasons for Session
Once the session is properly opened and both the practitioner and the client and group are ready to work and change, it is time to determine what can be done in the session. This includes asking the client what is most important to them and how they would like to change. It is always a good idea to determine the intensity of the situation for the client and group on a scale of 0-10 so that this can be compared after the session is finished. It is also a very good idea to test to see what the absolute highest priority for the client is on an energetic level so that the client can make a decision of what to do if their original desire is different from the energetic priority.

The next step is setting up a Procedure for the purpose of the Session. Procedures are blocks of work that are enclosed in themselves in a way that is safe for the client/group. Depending on the capacity of the client and the group, more the one procedure may be achieved in one session. Some purposes may need multiple procedures.

Here’s the PDF for the SCM Level 2 procedure sheet for downloading:
SCM Level 2 Procedure Sheet

At the top of the file, you find the normal space for client name and date.

Name of the Procedure
When the issue to be worked on has been determined, use your intuition to find the correct wording of the first procedure if you were to write it on the procedure sheet. You will not be able to go to the next step on the procedure sheet until the wording is correct. The name of the procedure is part of setting up the whole intent of the procedure. Furthermore, it clarifies the intent of the client and what they want to work towards.

Ask PWPL to invite all involved into the intent.
SCM Level 2 is for groups of beings – usually people, whether living or dead. In many situations, this presents an ethical issue in that it is not often possible to get explicit permission to work on all the members of a group involved in an issue or goal. Yet it is unethical to work on people without their explicit permission. A person can give permission for work to be done on their ancestral line but a problem in the ancestral line may not be restricted to those in that line or even to those who are already dead. PWPL forces no one to undergo change but PWPL is totally willing to ask all the members of a group for their permission to have work done on an issue they are involved in. This is actually how prayer for others works. We pray to God asking God to help someone. God goes to that person (usually at the spiritual level) and asks permission for help to be given. If the person does not give permission, God cannot help that person. The same applies when working with groups and ancestral lines using the SCM. We ask PWPL to invite all involved in an issue or goal into the intent of a session. We do not need to know who is involved or whether they are living or dead. Everything is kept confidential by PWPL. Although a group session benefits all involved who allow their part into the session, PWPL does not force anyone to be in the session so it is possible that some do not allow their part of the issue into the session. This does not present any negative consequences for the client or other members of the group.

Pertinent Info or Details
If you have already discussed the pertinent info or details of the situation with the client, nothing needs to be done; however, you still need to test to see if something was missed that would affect the intent of the procedure. You will not be able to go to the next step on the procedure sheet until all the pertinent information is consciously known by you or the client. Usually the client will know immediately what they need to know or perceive.

Breadth of Intent
This refers to all the intent necessary to set up this procedure across all components involved for all involved. Usually all you need to know here is how many, though occasionally you may need to know names of the specific components. You will not be able to go to the next step on the procedure sheet until you know the number and possibly the names of those components.

This works the same way as the Breadth of Intent. This refers to all the intent necessary to set up this procedure across all states involved for all involved. Usually all you need to know here is how many though occasionally you may need to know names of the specific states. You will not be able to go to the next step on the procedure sheet until you know the number and possibly the names of those states.

Procedures Type
Test to see what the purpose of the procedure is and circle it – you might be surprised. It is also possible to circle more than one type at a time. This basically tells you what type of procedure it is. For SCM Level 2, the choices are group types:
Family line
I/D stands for Imbalance or Disconnect meaning that the procedure type is working on either an imbalance in that group or a disconnect between that group and something it should be connected to. A Group Imbalance is a different procedure type than Group Disconnect.

Tools needed
These are the modalities you know how to use (including your own style of working with light and energy) that will come up to help you do the steps necessary to move the procedure along. Most of us have EC and BC and several other tools under our belt. And of course, the SCM Level 1 and 2 Cheat Sheets are tools.

A note about the steps taken on the Level 2 Procedure Sheet:
When the intent for an SCM Level 2 Procedure is set up, all of the possible steps each member of the group may need are sorted so that steps are not done for individuals but each step is done for all individuals who need that step. Not every member of a group needs every step. This reflects how each member of the group is involved in a unique way. You can call this the ‘code’ of this procedure for the whole group. Every procedure has its own code comprised of each step each involved party needs.

Prep, Support, Cleansing work
Steps may need to be taken before the actual procedure target steps. These steps put the issue 100% into the ‘here and now’. If an issue (or goal) is not 100% in the ‘here and now’, it is not possible to work on all the parts of the issue (or goal) and the issue will not be fully resolved or the goal will not be fully realized.

These steps can include:
—Doing Prep steps based on the Cheat sheet.
—Making Support circuits for the client one with their PWPL and another source of PWPL. Sources can include other people – family, friends, groups of people, ancestors, anyone wishing to support you even if you don’t know them personally. It can also include nature such as animals, trees, the earth itself. Normally you don’t need to know the source of the support circuits.
—Having non-light (which can include entities) cleansed in order to set up the environment to allow the actual procedure steps to be taken. No additional information is needed.
Sometimes doing this Prep work is all that is needed to allow PWPL for the whole procedure to be 100%. If this is the case, check to make sure the client is ready to put this light in their circuit with PWPL. I like to use a box metaphor to put all the procedure remains in. This helps make the procedure more tangible and easier to give to PWPL if the client would like to do this in a visualization.

Target work steps
These are the actual steps targeting the issue using whatever tool(s) necessary to facilitate the resolution of Soul Blocks. By definition, they are done in the ‘here and now’ and make the most impact on the issue/goal.
Once all the steps have been taken, the next sections on the Session sheet have to do with how much full whole light is coming through after doing the session steps. Ideally, it should be 100% and if it is, the next step is to help the client get this light in their circuit with PWPL.
However, if the full light coming through from the client’s essence is not 100%, other things need to be checked. Just keep going to the next step on the Cheat Sheet until the client’s light is fully 100% and they are ready to put it all in their circuit with PWPL.

Soul Blocks
These are essentially large asymmetrical or symmetrical shapes which are serious types of disconnects between the spirit and the physical body and are not normally recognized by the subconscious. It is even possible to have more than one subconscious due to Soul Blocks. Use your levels of intent to have them removed. Depending on the breadth of your intent, you might be able to release more than one at a time. There can be clusters of smaller Soul Blocks that can be removed as a cluster, and there can also be a Soul Wall made of these Soul Blocks. In some situations, there may be a key Soul Block. In rare cases, only PWPL can allow the release of a Soul Block due to the cause of a Soul Block. If a person has died, part of fully 100% releasing the world is also letting go of Soul Blocks.

These are situations where the client must ask PWPL to be fully shown this weakness so they can become fully humble/open to the whole situation. This allows them to be in the position to make a decision on whether to let the Love and Forgiveness of PWPL help them give the weakness to PWPL and allow the resulting new light to be in their circuit with PWPL. There could be more than one weakness. Use the appropriate level of intent to help the client give up a weakness.

If the part of the body that is being connected does not have the appropriate levels of a certain quality (one example is ‘gratitude’), it will not be able to let enough light flow to create a circuit. For example, your liver is not 100% connected to your heart and essence. You make a 100% connection but there needs to be a circuit between the liver and the essence. Use the proper level of intent to raise the necessary level(s) of gratefulness necessary to complete the circuit. There could be more than one level to address as well as more levels of more than one Quality to raise. Here is the current Qualities Table. It should cover most situations but if you have a suggestion that is not somehow covered by one of these qualities, please let me know. The intent is to create a table that has all the basic Qualities necessary for Soul Code work. You may also find after a while that you do not need to consciously know the name of the Quality that needs to be raised – that is ok, too.

Click on this table to open it in a new page so you can print it:

And here’s the PDF that you can click to open in the browser and download:


Just like in the Prep Step area, the client may need more support circuits with other sources of PWPL to be strong enough to continue the procedure or put the full 100% light in their circuit. Sources can include other people – family, friends, groups of people, ancestors, anyone wishing to support you even if you don’t know them personally. It can also include nature such as animals, trees, the earth itself.

Even if a client’s light is 100% after any given step, the client may not yet be fully ready to put the whole procedure and their light in their circuit with PWPL. Keep repeating the sections on the Procedure Sheet until the client feels ready to put the full 1005 light in their circuit with PWPL.