Category Archives: Energetic blocks

Love is Many Splendored Thing

Love is the basis of everything that is good. When love is removed or corrupted, bad ensues. But what is love? People have been trying to give an answer to that question for millennia. In the end, the answer is different for everyone and in every situation. Love is like chi or life force. It is made up of certain types of light as chi is made up of a combination of the five elements. But unlike chi, love is something that you can give freely all you want and never run out of even if you have no more chi. Love comes through our heart from the essence of our spirit yet blocks in our heart and soul can dilute or misdirect our love to the point of it being useless. Blocks can also keep the love of others including God from entering your heart and supporting and blessing you. When these blocks are removed, the light of one’s love flows unimpeded through structures of intelligence that allow this love or light to work as intended and desired. But it takes two to tango – while you may send your love unimpeded, whether a person, situation or event receives that light of you love as intended depends greatly on the other end.

As mentioned previously, love is composed of different types of light, different frequencies of light for those who look at it that way. Each of us has a certain capacity for certain kinds of light in our essence, the core of our spirit and soul. Although we are born with a certain capacity, nothing can stop us from acquiring the ability to allow other types of light to shine through our essence into the outside world and to increase the range of our love. The greater the range of our love, the more we can affect others and the world. Our light can move mountains in the grand scale of things if it is unimpeded and properly channelled. In this sense, love is a bridled horse and not a black box with unknown and ununderstood contents.

Receiving love from another in a way that is beneficial is easy feat. It requires being able to open your heart and move any blocks aside in order for the light to flow unimpeded into your own essence. It also fully requires you allow all frequencies of light making up that love into your essence even if you personally do not have all those frequencies in your own light. Just because you don’t have a frequency does not mean you cannot receive if it has been sent directly because light knows light and all frequencies of light are compatible with each other. Anything that tells you otherwise does not understand light or its composition. Thoughts, ideas and expectations make us think that we are not compatible with all types of light including those that make up the love of a particular person. These thoughts, ideas and expectations are themselves not full of light and therefore lead us away from sources of light that could build us up. We must be careful not to get caught in traps like this or lead others into such traps. We are here on this earth to build each other up, not to block the love people send to each other. We can all love people who don’t seem to be like us as well as allow those same people to love us.

Thoughts, ideas and expectations keep us from light as well as keep our light blocked. Why is this? Thoughts, ideas and expectations are structures of intelligence yet they can block the light. The reason this can happen is that when we create any kind of thought or idea or have expectations that are not based on direct light, these structures cannot conduct direct light basically by definition. You cannot get around this. Such structures must be removed. Only structures created by direct light can conduct direct light. This means that we must be extremely careful with our thoughts and the exposure we have to the thoughts of others. This does not mean we cannot listen to others who are expressing thoughts that are obviously not structured by direct light. But we must ensure that we are strong enough to tell the difference and not be influenced by thoughts, ideas, expectations not created by direct light or even by the lack of light. This is why it is very important to weed out those unhelpful structures in our own selves as quickly and judiciously as possible even if we feel urgency to help others first. Put your oxygen mask on first!

Hardness of Heart vs Heart Wall

In various places in holy writings, hardness of heart is mentioned (e.g., the Pharaoh not wanting to let the Children of Israel leave Egypt). There are those who assume that this means that a person has a heart wall (a concept introduced in the Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson). I have found that hardness of heart is something different than a heart wall in several main aspects.

1) A heart wall is outside of the heart; hardness of heart is incorporated into the structure of the heart.

2) A heart wall is primarily constructed of unresolved trapped emotions; hardness of heart is constructed of mental energy that is not of light and which is used to reinforce the heart.

3) Heart wall components are used to cover up damaged, severed or missing connections between the spirit and body. These connection problems keep true light from flowing as it should; hardness of heart is an attempt to strengthen weaknesses in a person’s ability to be properly connected and allow true light to flow as it should.
***Please notice the difference here: the former refers to problems in a system; the latter to a problematic system. You can have a system that is healthy and all it needs is clearing and balancing, or you can have a system that is simply weak even when it is cleared and balanced.

Non-light mental energy can be from self, inherited, forced on, absorbed from others, preconceptual. In this respect, the mechanics of how non-light mental energy comes into the body are not much different than with negative emotional energy such as trapped emotions. However, non-light mental energy is not comparable to negative emotional energy which can simply be cleared when it is fully unattached. Non-light mental energy is more like the structural aspects of computer programming while trapped emotional energy is like the content the programming generates and moves around. Without programming and the definitions it specifies, content information is useless and meaningless. You would never be able to know “love” or what people meant by it if you did not have the programming to let yourself understand and relate – you would have no relation to it. People can send you “love” energy but if you do not have the programming to accept and allow it into your heart and existence, not only do you not feel this “love”, it doesn’t get in you. If it doesn’t get in you, it cannot become part of your essence and help you heal and connect. The goal of this existence is to connect in all healthy ways possible but we need the programming made of light to do it.

The next question is how do you resolve a system weakness? The answer is: _you_ don’t. A system weakness needs to be resolved by the system designer then only the system designer knows what is necessary to resolve a weakness in the system. The designer I am referring to is the Divine/Source/the Creator/God/Pure White Perfect Light. Those that are designed by definition do not have the complete awareness and skill necessary to fix a running system, so to speak. But the Designer does. Why would the Designer design something with weaknesses? To allow resources to go to another part of the system first so that part can learn (true intelligence is all about learning and accumulating light). Once the system has learned what it needs to learn from the experience, the weakness can be resolved or reconfigured as the case may be in this metaphor.

Obviously we are the designed and we have weaknesses, at times inherit in our design. Humans are designed with weaknesses for a purpose – to learn and grow and serve ourselves and the Designer. This implies the need for trust. When we discover we have a weakness in any part of our system, we need to let our Designer take care of it rather than trying to take care of it ourselves – we simply cannot do a good job at this – this is why we can develop ‘hardness of heart’ – our imperfect attempt to strengthen our weakness. The only true way of resolving a weakness is by asking our Creator to show us our weakness (one at a time is probably better) so that we can become humble about this weakness. Here ‘humble’ means completely open to all the information necessary to know (including subconsciously) about this weakness so we can let it go fully. When we let it go fully, our Creator can reconfigure us so that the light that was not able to flow previously due to the weakness can now flow properly. This means the weakness is no longer and there is a strength there instead. When we acknowledge this new strength before our Creator and ask that it be sufficient for our life and existence (which includes all of the good influence we have in the world – for example, as practitioners), our new strength becomes stronger and we are fortified. Letting this new light into our essences is how we learn and grow and expand in understanding and ability to take action.