Category Archives: Soul Code Method

For those working with Covid-19

Covid-19 is nothing to play around with and medical health care professionals should be in charge especially when it comes to medication and treatment. While there are obvious risk groups, we as individuals cannot predict how we will react to the virus. That being written, we as energy workers can be very supportive to anyone who has been infected with the SARS-COV-2 virus (or any virus for that matter). I have found a number of settings to check to see if a person is infected at an energetic level and to what degree and global aspects of the body need to be optimal for the body to shake this thing off energetically.

Overall physical condition – needs to be 10/10
Innate immune system – needs to be 10/10
Adaptive immune system – needs to be 10/10
Viral load – needs to be 0/10
Viral infection – needs to be 0/10

With the few Covid-19 clients I’ve worked on so far, this list seems to have been very helpful in supporting their bodies in fighting off the virus. No guarantees can be made of whether this focus has actually been helpful or not but circumstantial evidence is encouraging. I hope this list of settings will be helpful to other practitioners.

Our Full Armor of PWPL affects how we work on others

The way we interact with the different energies in us and around us not only forms the foundation of our perceptions but also of our personal choices. Unless our relationship with both our inside energy and the energy around us is 100% happy and balanced or optimized to the point of pretty much being unaffected by outside influences, we will always be at the mercy and whim of someone else’s configuration. We have all the control we need to allow ourselves to be fully impenetrable or impervious to outside influences once we have full mastery of our inside energy. (Un)fortunately, this can also affect how our energy interacts with the energy of our clients if we are energy workers. If our own personal energy is not fully calmed, our issues can transfer to our clients’ energy, and we may be doing work that is not actually for them without realizing it, which is frustrating for all involved.

Gaining full mastery of our inner energy is always a challenge especially if we just look at ourselves without stepping 100% out of our way. It is important to disassociate ourselves as practitioners from ourselves as clients. Otherwise, we risk missing something due to our blind spots. The way I do this is to stroke a magnet over the governing meridian while intending that I get out of my way 100%. After this, I work on Cassandra rather than myself. I can ask Cassandra to do things that I can’t do like turn around so I can see the back of her field. This lets me work on Cassandra objectively and avoid blind spots.

Once I am working on Cassandra, the best thing to do is an overall analysis of her energy starting with the integrity of her energy type. This can be done using a 0-10 scale with 10 being 100% healthy and happy. If it is not a 10/10, there are several methods using the SCM to work on this. The easiest is using PWPL Reiki but if you don’t have this attunement, using the Basic SCM table is the best tool ( First, start the session in prayer to PWPL/God to open the session properly for all involved. Then ask how many issues are involved so that interdependencies can be taken into account. The first round will be a set of steps off the table. After this is done, test the issues to see if they are all 10/10. If they are not, do the next round of steps off the table. Repeat this procedure until all issues are 10/10. When the session is done, pray to PWPL/God to properly close the session for all involved.

Internal energetic integrity is definitely the foundation to being firm enough to not only face the energy around us but also engage with it in a productive way. I call this the Full Armor of Pure White Perfect Light. It protects but at the same time allows us to let our own light out in a way that lifts people up rather than encroaching on their energy regardless of our energy type or theirs. It also allows us to be strong when we come into contact with strong energy that is normally too much for us.

We can configure our personal Full Armor of Pure White Perfect Light using the same tools that we used for working on the integrity of our inner energy. Again it is best to disassociate ourselves as practitioners from ourselves as clients. Otherwise, we risk missing something due to our blind spots. The way I do this is to stroke a magnet over the governing meridian while intending that I get out of my way 100%. After this, I work on Cassandra rather than myself. I can ask Cassandra to do things that I can’t do like turn around so I can see the back of her field. This lets me work on Cassandra objectively and avoid blind spots.

Once I am working on Cassandra, the best thing to do is an overall analysis of the parameters of her Full Armor of PWPL in relation to her energy type. There are three areas to look at here: the Heart, the Soul and the Core. These can be checked using a 0-10 scale with 10 being 100% healthy and happy. If they are not a 10/10, it is a good idea to work on them as one group or unit so that interdependencies can be automatically addressed. There are several methods using the SCM to work on this. The easiest is using PWPL Reiki but if you don’t have this attunement, using the Basic SCM table is the best tool. First, start the session in prayer to PWPL/God to open the session properly for all involved. The first round will be a set of steps off the table. After this is done, test the issues to see if they are all 10/10. If they are not, do the next round of steps off the table. Repeat this procedure until all issues are 10/10. When the session is done, pray to PWPL/God to properly close the session for all involved.

When you are done working on you as the client or do not have any more capacity to change energetically for the moment, it is time to close the session in prayer.

The Heartwall and Growth

The Heartwall is a collection of trapped emotions clustered together that block light according to Dr. Nelson who wrote “The Emotion Code”. There are always underlying reasons why a heartwall is there. These reasons form a structure on which the trapped emotions stick or form. If there can be a heartwall structure at all, the person’s heart is weak in some way and even if you remove a heartwall and its underlying reasons, it is very possible that something new can damage the heart and trigger a new heartwall to protect it. In some people, the weakness under a heartwall can shift around from place to place, making it very difficult to pin down where the weakness in the heart is and resolve it.

In order for a person to be permanently relieved of their heartwall, the underlying area of the heart needs to be strong enough to withstand the pressures and trauma of life. For many, this requires something more than simply removing the heartwall and its underlying reasons for being there. There needs to be growth as well. However, growth is not possible if the area is not totally healed. This is where the Soul Code Method can help out.

The Soul Code Method is not just about helping a person heal aspects of their heart and life but it is also about helping a person grow and develop in those areas that were previously weak. Growth is a key concept in a stable life. Without growth, we tend to get caught in ruts and relive the same issues over and over again (even when we think we have them all resolved!) – until we learn what we need to learn and change things. The Soul Code Method is about positive change.

Come join our SCM Practice Group on Facebook and learn what healing and growth means!

Roles and Our Authentic Self

We all play different roles in our lives – daughter, son, sister, brother, mother, father, wife, husband, extended family member, friend, helper, healer, worker, employer, artist, musician, scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, philanthropist – the list goes on and on. We are not always totally prepared for each role and often have to learn how to slip into it. When we are our true authentic selves, our true roles in life are an extension of who we really are and we learn to be flexible with our energetic field to accommodate the needs of those roles. True roles in our lives and energy field always bring us forward due to the service to ourselves and to others we provide in those roles. They are truly a part of us, a part of our field and essence and our path and purpose in life. We should always be working on strengthening these roles and putting them out into the world to support others on their own paths. There is _always_ full and direct light available to these roles.

That being said, there are other roles we play in this life that do not bring us or anyone else forward. Some people have a tendency to create energetic configurations in their field that are essentially coping mechanisms because their true roles don’t know how to deal with certain situations. These configurations act a bit like masks and make it difficult for light from the outside to get into a person’s field properly and also keep a person from seeing the world properly when that role configuration is active. These types of roles include being the “victim” role, the “savior” role, the “wounded healer” role, the “nobody understands me” role, the “know-it-all” role, the “not worth being loved” role, the “I have to do it all myself” role, the “I am better than you are” role, the “invalid” role – the list goes on and on. Any role that does not bring you or another being forward and closer to pure white perfect light is not a true rule but a false one. The light is _always_ skewed by these roles.

False roles are not our roles even if we created them (usually out of desperation) or we accepted them unknowingly or they were forced on us through circumstance. We do not need to own them and we certainly do not need to create our identity around them. For many, it is hard to separate themselves but it is totally worth it! We are Children of God and God did not intend for us to live false roles but rather to magnify our true roles in our authentic selves!

What do we do about the false roles in our field? Most people are already working on resolving them using whatever means they have learned. However, some people have more complicated or complex fields than others, for example, the Mixed Energy Type but any energy type may have a problem with false roles depending on previous life experiences. The best way I have found so far is actually to not focus directly on the false roles but to strengthen the authentic self and its true roles. Any modality should be able to do this. Here are some examples:

To strengthen the authentic self and its roles with the Soul Code Method:

Use the SCM Basic Table:
SCM Basic Chart

Your intent is to perfectly strengthen your authentic self in all its roles.

Test how many steps from the chart you need. Look at the chart and determine the first step. Your intent here is to not ‘do’ the step but to ‘have it done’ by pure white perfect light. When the step has been done, you will be able to go to the next step. Please note: you do _not_need to know any more information about any step (e.g., who is involved, when, how, inherited, etc.). These steps are designed to be as non-triggering as possible. When all the steps are done, you can test how far the support of your authentic self has gotten and whether you need to do this process again and when the next best time is. This will help make you stronger than your false roles!

Using the Emotion Code and the Body Code:

Test on a scale of 1-10 how strong your authentic self is in its roles. If it is not 10, test for the steps on the Emotion Code chart or in the Body Code and work to get that number to 10.

Using EFT:

Test on a scale of 1-10 how strong your authentic self is in its roles. If it is not 10, do the following setup on the karate chop point and tap as many rounds as needed:

Even though my authentic self is not perfectly strong in its roles, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Tapping on this topic, may bring up other issues that need to be tapped on before making continued progress.

Using Reiki on yourself:

Focus your hand positions on the chakras that you feel or intuit need it the most for strengthening your authentic self on all its roles. If you are a Reiki Master, I would definitely include the Master symbol.

If you have suggestions on how to do this for other modalities, please let me know and I will add them to the list!