Tag Archives: soul code method

Boundaries, Boundaries, Boundaries!

Whether in energy work or in regular life, boundaries between energetic beings are essential. Without boundaries and clear expectations, it is very hard for anyone to recognize their full accountability and potential. Unfortunately, boundaries are rarely tangible and obvious. Plus, few learn how to truly recognize their own boundaries in relation to themselves, their true roles in life and the outside world mainly because their parents and caregivers didn’t know how to do this either and therefore could not teach this optimally. On top of this, boundaries need to be able to let the good in and out and keep the unwanted from leaking anywhere.

Energetically, it is also not always obvious how to install boundaries effectively for a person if their energetic field configuration is not similar to yours. If you are an Emotional Dominant Energy Type without understanding the needs of the Mental Dominant, Spiritual Dominant or especially the Mixed Energy Type, your awareness will not be sufficient to help that person create proper and effective boundaries in every area necessary. Likewise, if you are truly convinced that there is only one way to install certain energetic boundaries, you will not understand why a person is still experiencing boundary issues despite your best efforts – and I have to mention, most issues have a boundary issue component. It is imperative that as a competent energy work practitioner, you give yourself the ability to properly invite Pure White Perfect Light (God) to assist you in the installation of _any_ boundaries so that they are done according to PWPL’s plan for that person. This can only be done in prayer with the appropriate intent. Let PWPL install the boundaries for yourself and anyone else. This will not only help you and everyone else avoid unnecessary grief and frustration but also help you better understand the person energetically facilitate finding the core causes of issues that previously were not available to be dealt with.

I invite all of you to allow the Soul Code Method to assist you in learning how to ask PWPL in all its forms to fully and absolutely install appropriate boundaries in yourself and as an energy worker so that you are more fully able to pray for this for your friends, family and clients.

The Heartwall and Growth

The Heartwall is a collection of trapped emotions clustered together that block light according to Dr. Nelson who wrote “The Emotion Code”. There are always underlying reasons why a heartwall is there. These reasons form a structure on which the trapped emotions stick or form. If there can be a heartwall structure at all, the person’s heart is weak in some way and even if you remove a heartwall and its underlying reasons, it is very possible that something new can damage the heart and trigger a new heartwall to protect it. In some people, the weakness under a heartwall can shift around from place to place, making it very difficult to pin down where the weakness in the heart is and resolve it.

In order for a person to be permanently relieved of their heartwall, the underlying area of the heart needs to be strong enough to withstand the pressures and trauma of life. For many, this requires something more than simply removing the heartwall and its underlying reasons for being there. There needs to be growth as well. However, growth is not possible if the area is not totally healed. This is where the Soul Code Method can help out.

The Soul Code Method is not just about helping a person heal aspects of their heart and life but it is also about helping a person grow and develop in those areas that were previously weak. Growth is a key concept in a stable life. Without growth, we tend to get caught in ruts and relive the same issues over and over again (even when we think we have them all resolved!) – until we learn what we need to learn and change things. The Soul Code Method is about positive change.

Come join our SCM Practice Group on Facebook and learn what healing and growth means!

The Value of Openness in Healing

Over the years of working with people and helping them progress past the point where they were, I’ve seen lots of interesting situations. The most interesting type has been doing everything ‘right’ for a person but seeing absolutely no change in them. I call this interesting because I love puzzles and these situations are true puzzles. This isn’t to say I have not been frustrated and disappointed and those clients either. But there is always a reason why someone does not change for the better even when they are consciously desperate to do so even at the point of death. It all has to do with openness. To change, we have to be open to it – in all ways necessary. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to be absolutely open to change even when it is in their best interest and highest good.

The next question is, of course, if a person is not changing – how do they move to changing mode? Of the many ways, I want to focus on using the Soul Code Method to assist someone into change for the better mode. This also assumes the person has had a Heart Session at some level.

First, open a session properly through prayer. Then, ask your heart if you are absolutely open to change for the positive. If you get a ‘no’ or no answer, that pretty much means you are not absolutely open to positive change. To switch this, at least temporarily, put your hands on your heart and absolutely desire to want to change. Do this until your heart gives a ‘yes’ to your question of whether you absolutely open to change for the positive. If you want this to be a permanent state, give your heart to Pure White Perfect Light/God in prayer. This will let it be a part of your true absolute relationship with Pure White Perfect Light/God. After this, work on yourself and see if positive change occurs in your best interest and highest good.

If you do the exercise above and still cannot get a ‘yes’ from your heart about being absolutely open to change for the positive, it is possible that there are some inherited aspects to how your heart opens. If this is so, again pray to open a session properly and again this assumes you have had some level of Heart Session. Ask that all ancestors involved be present with their hearts. Ask all your ancestors to put their hands on their hearts and, along with you. absolutely desire to want to change for the positive. Those who have already passed on will most likely be especially appreciative of this. Once everyone gets a ‘yes’ to their desire to change positively, pray that all involved be helped to give their hearts to God. Once this is done, then ask your own heart if it is now absolutely open to change for the positive in your best interest and highest good.

If you have not had a Heart Session, you can still try this exercise on yourself. The results may take longer or require dealing with certain aspects of forgiveness that you hadn’t realized were there. Of course, it is totally worth it to deal with these aspects and get them resolved but it may not be the best point in time to do it.

If any of you try this exercise, I would be very happy to hear of your results! If you feel comfortable, please share them with me!

Tend the garden of your life with the Soul Code Method

Our conscious selves like to believe we are perfect infinite beings who are simply having a mortal experience. We simply need to intend the right things and all we want will follow. This is a true to a point. Our conscious self can believe anything it wants but unless our subconscious self also believes it, we will get frustrated in our lack of development and wonder what happened even though we are sure we are doing everything right and we must be firmly on our path.

In the end, the proof is in the pudding. If things are not as we want, something is missing. Some of us can release negative energy until the cows come home but we will be no closer to our goals than if we had not released any negative energy at all because that is not our real problem. Our problem is knowing what to do to move forward. If we lack the knowledge whether consciously or subconsciously, we will not know what to do to finally pick ourselves up and move.

Each person is configured differently than the next with no two people being the same, not even twins. If we are having problems in something, we are either blocked, disconnected or incorrectly wired to get the information we want or a mix of all these. This has to do with our energy types, the configuration we were sent to Earth with for our mortal experience. Once we figure out our energy type and learn to work with it and use it as leverage rather than a hurdle, we will be able to function better and reach our goals in all areas.

Garden gnome

Life gardening is important!

One of the easiest ways to get around your personal energy type without knowing what it is is to simply constantly do what I call “tending your garden”. Your garden is your life. Using a garden metaphor is a great way to not fall into the psycho-analysis trap (which is rarely helpful). Tending your garden includes everything you would do in a real physical garden but is done on the energetic level using the The Soul Code Basic Chart. Every garden is different just like every person is different yet all gardens require constant, consistent care to become beautiful and fruitful. This means weeding once in a season will not be useful in the end. This means proper soil preparation at the beginning and throughout is essential to get the fruit you want. You might have some good seeds but if the soil is wrong or they do not get enough of the right nutrition or enough water or light, they will not grow or will die before getting anywhere. This also means that too much light, water, nutrition will kill parts of the garden. Then of course there are the outside pests and the inside diseases that can occur in the garden of your life.

It is a very good idea to get to know your own garden and what needs to be done to tend it and increase its yield. Muscle testing is one way of intuiting this and I highly recommend it for those who are good at muscle testing their own selves. Of course any practitioner can do it for you as well. It is important to pick a person who is really good with their own garden so they can watch out for common pitfalls in gardening. A normal gardening manual is a great way to get started!

If you don’t know much about gardening and don’t have a gardening manual handy, here are a few questions to start you off. Muscle test the answers to these questions and determine if changes need to be made. Then use the The Soul Code Basic Chart to make them as well as taking conscious effort to follow through. If the conscious effort does not go smoothly and easily, that is an indication that something else needs to be adjusted or cared for to allow better access to what you need.

Here are a few questions to ask self (use your intuition for additional ones!)

      • Do I have a large enough garden for the life I want?
      • Do I have enough garden resources to handle the life I want?
      • Do I have enough seeds or transplants for the garden I want?
      • Has the ground been prepared properly for my life mission garden?
      • Do I want to have a garden? or do I want to live on someone else’s garden?
      • Am I willing to put in the work to care and tend this garden? If yes, what is keeping me from doing what needs to be done?
      • Do I want a fuller life than just working on my life mission garden? (if so, go back to the list beginning with this in mind)

Have fun with your garden! This is the most important garden you will ever tend! If you want help with your garden – don’t hesitate to make an appointment with me!

Chakra Anatomy

Most of us have heard about the chakras and the role they play in receiving external energy into the body. There are many many websites on the traditional main 7 chakras and also some of the higher chakras above the crown chakra and perhaps the foot chakra attached to the root chakra (not the sole of the foot chakra). There are many different ways of looking at this system and most in the West don’t have all the information there is on chakras and how they work or even how they are structured. One of the things I’ve looked into is just how the chakra is structured. It definitely has an anatomy but few know more about the structure of a chakra aside that it has petals and whirls around when it is active and lets certain types of energy in depending on the chakra.

I am not a guru and haven’t had the chance to go to India and study how the whole chakra system works but I have read some literature not written by a North American or European. One of those people is Master Choa Kok Sui who was the founder of Pranic Healing and eventually established healing centers in 45 countries using his modality. In most his books, the introduction to the topic includes the structure of a chakra and why the different parts are important as well as what happens if the chakra is not intact. When a chakra is not intact, no amount of balancing or activating will make it healthy and working properly. I’ve taken his description of a chakra and am now using it for determining when things are not totally right with a chakra or its parts when I work on them using the Emotion Code and the Soul Code Method.

First, I would like to show you a simple figure of the structure of a chakra which comes from the book “Pranic Psychotherapy”, though I put in the labels:


As you see in the figure, a chakra is shaped like a funnel. It has petals on the outside rim, a cone and a stem which leads into the sushumna, the central nadi or channel for transporting energy from the chakras to subnadis or subchannels going to other parts of the body.

A part of a normal chakra that I have not found described anywhere else but in Master Chao Kok Sui’s work (yet) is the chakra web. Master Chao Kok Sui describes this web as a protective filter against energetic muck and entities from the outside.

After working with quite a few people to help them heal their chakra webs, I found that there is actually a second web in the stem near the sushumna. I am sure that for those who see such things, you would have to be looking for it to see it. I discovered it when I noticed that people with intact outer webs continued to have some unexpected entity and muck problems. It turns out, this second web is like the second defense for the chakra and keeps entities from getting in from another chakra via the sushumna. So it is always wise to check how intact both webs are and if the chakra is cleared of muck.

Master Chao Kok Sui also did not restrict his work to just the seven main chakras but used a system of 11 main chakras as well as well the subchakras. Below is a figure showing the chakras he focused on also from the book “Pranic Psychotherapy”.

11 Major Chakras -Sui

One of the most interesting of these extra chakras is the Meng Mein chakra at the nook of your back almost but not quite level with the Navel chakra in the front. The Meng Mein is actually a type of pump or prana accelerator taking energy from the Root chakra and bringing it up into the higher chakras. This can be very wonderful but can only happen when both the Root and Meng Mein are happy, healthy, fully functional and intact.

How do you know if you are having problems with your Meng Mein? If you are having kidney problems, low vitality, blood pressure problems (high or low), back problems, your Meng Mein might need some healing and support. The Meng Mein chakra also controls and regulates the adrenal glands.

One of Master Chao Kok Sui’s books that I found very helpful is “The Chakras and their Functions”. It has a very useful description of each of the 11 main chakras as well as many descriptive characteristics so that you can test if your chakras are complete and intact as well as those of your clients, friends and family. Let us all have happy, fully functional and activated chakras!