Chakra Anatomy

Most of us have heard about the chakras and the role they play in receiving external energy into the body. There are many many websites on the traditional main 7 chakras and also some of the higher chakras above the crown chakra and perhaps the foot chakra attached to the root chakra (not the sole of the foot chakra). There are many different ways of looking at this system and most in the West don’t have all the information there is on chakras and how they work or even how they are structured. One of the things I’ve looked into is just how the chakra is structured. It definitely has an anatomy but few know more about the structure of a chakra aside that it has petals and whirls around when it is active and lets certain types of energy in depending on the chakra.

I am not a guru and haven’t had the chance to go to India and study how the whole chakra system works but I have read some literature not written by a North American or European. One of those people is Master Choa Kok Sui who was the founder of Pranic Healing and eventually established healing centers in 45 countries using his modality. In most his books, the introduction to the topic includes the structure of a chakra and why the different parts are important as well as what happens if the chakra is not intact. When a chakra is not intact, no amount of balancing or activating will make it healthy and working properly. I’ve taken his description of a chakra and am now using it for determining when things are not totally right with a chakra or its parts when I work on them using the Emotion Code and the Soul Code Method.

First, I would like to show you a simple figure of the structure of a chakra which comes from the book “Pranic Psychotherapy”, though I put in the labels:


As you see in the figure, a chakra is shaped like a funnel. It has petals on the outside rim, a cone and a stem which leads into the sushumna, the central nadi or channel for transporting energy from the chakras to subnadis or subchannels going to other parts of the body.

A part of a normal chakra that I have not found described anywhere else but in Master Chao Kok Sui’s work (yet) is the chakra web. Master Chao Kok Sui describes this web as a protective filter against energetic muck and entities from the outside.

After working with quite a few people to help them heal their chakra webs, I found that there is actually a second web in the stem near the sushumna. I am sure that for those who see such things, you would have to be looking for it to see it. I discovered it when I noticed that people with intact outer webs continued to have some unexpected entity and muck problems. It turns out, this second web is like the second defense for the chakra and keeps entities from getting in from another chakra via the sushumna. So it is always wise to check how intact both webs are and if the chakra is cleared of muck.

Master Chao Kok Sui also did not restrict his work to just the seven main chakras but used a system of 11 main chakras as well as well the subchakras. Below is a figure showing the chakras he focused on also from the book “Pranic Psychotherapy”.

11 Major Chakras -Sui

One of the most interesting of these extra chakras is the Meng Mein chakra at the nook of your back almost but not quite level with the Navel chakra in the front. The Meng Mein is actually a type of pump or prana accelerator taking energy from the Root chakra and bringing it up into the higher chakras. This can be very wonderful but can only happen when both the Root and Meng Mein are happy, healthy, fully functional and intact.

How do you know if you are having problems with your Meng Mein? If you are having kidney problems, low vitality, blood pressure problems (high or low), back problems, your Meng Mein might need some healing and support. The Meng Mein chakra also controls and regulates the adrenal glands.

One of Master Chao Kok Sui’s books that I found very helpful is “The Chakras and their Functions”. It has a very useful description of each of the 11 main chakras as well as many descriptive characteristics so that you can test if your chakras are complete and intact as well as those of your clients, friends and family. Let us all have happy, fully functional and activated chakras!

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