The Principle of Soul Healing and Component Sessions

Soul Healing and Component Sessions are one of the important and critical principles of a complete Soul Code program after the Heart Healing and Component Sessions.The purpose of these sessions is to allow as much PWPL out of and into the person’s soul through the person’s heart.

Soul Healing and Component Session are not required but recommended for all clients when they are ready for them.

It is important that the client be stable, grounded, centered and open for this. It is also possible that the client may need one or more preparatory procedures to do any Soul Session.

The changes made in the heart during a Soul Session include:

–Healing which means that negative energy is released and unhelpful structures are removed to allow the client’s light through and the PWPL from other sources of PWPL in. More can be read about these types of negative energy and structures on the Principle of Repair page. The level of healing depends on how ready the client is for this.

–Openness which means that the client is helped to become totally open at all levels for change in their best interest and highest good.

–Component aspects are made clear which should mean one dedicated conduit for PWPL to go through but in certain cases there could be multiple conduits. Normally, the healing and openness aspects of the session will help the client resolve multiple conduits into a single conduit at the pace the client can handle.

When the client is stable, grounded, centered and open and ready to go, all you need is to use the Procedure Sheet with the name of the procedure which is the following:

The Soul Session

The intent behind the Soul Session now includes the highest level of Soul Healing and Component work that is in the best interest and highest good of the client at that time. This means that the Soul Session may need to be repeated at certain points of the client’s healing and development. At this point, I do not know how many Soul Sessions a person will need over the course of their healing and development.

Please do not forget to help the client give the symbol of their Soul Session to PWPL and receive it back into their circuit.

What can you expect after having a Soul Session?

In general, it is safer to say everyone is different. That being said, most clients report a general ability to get at their root issues more easily. It also generally allows them to more easily develop in as much as that area is healed.