About SCM

First, the three main goals of the Soul Code Method are:

– to perfectly reconnect a person’s pure white perfect light to all pure white perfect light from any source.

– to develop and strengthen a person from the inside out and not simply through external shielding and energy clearing or releasing, or rearranging mental structures but through perfect intent to reconnect all that was disconnected and free all that was blocked or deflected and nurture all that was neglected in a person’s soul.

– to spread the light to all in the world and strengthen it against destruction through connecting and reconnecting souls whether living or dead to their cores and God.

Pure White Perfect Light
Pure White Perfect Light (PWPL) is the summation of all light and intelligence. The whole universe is created out of it. Each one of us has a point in our body that is created out of PWPL. It has always existed and always will. This is where our existence is stored and into which all the light and knowledge we gain in this life is transferred if we let it. Our development in life is based on this mechanism. How this mechanism works is simple. When we are grateful for something, this opens our core which then allows light in. This does not always mean we have said the words “thank you” but rather we are happy to receive some kind of light and knowledge.

Although it is not necessary to know the exact details of this mechanism, it is important to know that it has much to do with a person’s dominant energy type. I am not referring to Carol Tuttle’s energy types which are associated with personality types but rather to the energetic configuration each person has that allows them to interact with the world and their body. For most people, it is not possible to tell just by looking at them. Their history of illness, depression or lack of success is a better indicator as well as a history of modality hopping without lasting success.

Energy Types
There are three dominant energy types and a combination of the three. Each type uses PWPL in a different way and intensity. There is no one right way to use PWPL which means each configuration can be totally different and perfect for that individual and the mission on earth.

The Emotional Energy Type
This uses emotional energy to interact with the world and learn. Emotional energy types can be very cordial and happy and supportive of others by enhancing and magnifying their PWPL to a high frequency or they can be very negative and blocked by lower frequencies in some way or in certain situations. Releasing negative energy buildup unblocks their PWPL and allows them to shine in the world. if they are blocked, they tend to block others and keep all involved from fully accessing PWPL regardless of the source. This energy type responds very well to modalities that focus on releasing negative blocking energy.

The Mental Energy Type
This type uses mental structures to interact with the world. Often the structures used are based on worldly imperfect beliefs and logic with slight flaws. In an ideal world, the mental energy type would have mental structures made of PWPL with perfect logic which applies to both the seen and unseen world. Most often, however, the structures are not perfect due to lower frequency light and often in conflict with each other. This allows trapped negative energy to also get stuck in a person’s energy field. Simply releasing negative energy does not remedy false or unhealthy mental structures. If these structures remain, negative energy can get stuck in where the previously released negative energy had been and cause new problems on top of old structures which may be too much for the old structures (new wine in old bottles, etc.). A midlife crisis is often the result of this. However, if the person has healthy mental structures, the intelligence of the person is optimized. When it comes to math and physics, Einstein and Stephan Hawking are examples of people with very healthy optimized mental constructs even if other parts of their lives were/are not so healthy. For the more normal among us, simply being able to think clearly and concentrate can be a sign of good mental structures that are not mucked up by negative energies.

The Spiritual Energy Type
This has to do with how well the spirit body and the physical body are attached with PWPL. A healthy person with a dominant spiritual energy type feels energy well and basically functions at a high overall frequency in most areas. They are able to easily absorb PWPL from the outside and give their own freely to others.

If the spiritual energy type is not healthy, the person can have all sorts of problems which occur because of the following. As a child grows from birth onwards, the physical body increases in attachment with the spiritual body. Often times during the course of growing up, improper connections of negative energy are made instead of ones of PWPL. This can occur at any time but especially during times of trauma. Instead of a proper connection of PWPL, negative energy or unhealthy mental constructs can be taken by the body to create a temporary connection to the spirit body. If the trauma is not properly resolved, the person may continue to grow up like this with an improper connection in one or more areas of the body. This lack of light can be the source of alls sorts of mental, emotional, physical, spiritual problems. Simply removing unhealthy mental constructs and negative energies is not the best way to help. It simply completes the disconnection and the person becomes unraveled in the affected areas. The body will not accept a disconnection and will simply put whatever is available into the connection to complete it. Usually this is again unhealthy mental structures and negative energies. The fact that the improper connection was made to begin with indicates that the spirit did not know how to compensate for the trauma or replace the unhealthy stop-gap measures. It needs to be taught consciously how to use PWPL to make a healthy connection.

The Mixed Energy Type
This is the most challenging energy type because few energy modalities are set up to address the needs of all three energy types, usually only one or two. Every person has some of each energy type but but a majority have one dominant energy type. When a person has all three at a similar level, it is hard to know with certain modalities where to start or how to get the work to “stick”. Single step modalities are basically useless because of the complexity of the configuration. Few modalities can address multiple steps at the same time or even teach that type of intent. Many mixed energy type clients simply give up and resort to mainstream medicine because at least it is tangible even if it doesn’t really help much in the end for similar reasons.

The Soul Code Method addresses all energy types including the mixed energy type. The Soul Code Method also trains the practitioner to develop their intent in order to allow and perform complex steps in healing the mixed energy type configuration and energy field. It does not do this by studying the subconscious or trying to identify and label specific energy frequencies or mental structures or types of disconnection. It simply requests that PWPL take care of a step in healing either simple or complex in a way perfect for the client. No labels are needed and all care is taken to avoid them whenever possible and to just trust that PWPL knows perfectly what the client needs. This is a very different way of thinking compared to many other modalities and takes getting used to but this is part of the training. There are very specific reasons why this is so.

The Heart
Besides taking energy types into consideration, the Soul Code Method is primarily focused on increasing the overall frequency of a person’s being by widening the access they have to the PWPL of their core through their heart. While shielding and dodging negative energy or even entities might be necessary at the beginning, it becomes more and more unnecessary as the person grows from the inside out, essentially removing the bushel over their light, while reconnecting their light to the light of others as well as to God’s light in a perfect way. This reduces fear and helps the person gain control over their life and increase their confidence down to their core. It also creates a safe environment to open up to others to allow light to be exchanged. Light given and received in this manner becomes a permanent part of those involved. When this light exchange is given with love and thankfulness to God, it is returned blessed and strengthened into the cores of those involved creating what I call the Circuit, a circuit of indestructible light shared between these people and God which is basically a perfect shield against negative in that specific situation emanating from the inside out and protecting all involved. An SCM practitioner takes personal part in this in every session and benefits from working with others by strengthening their own Circuit and protection while helping others do the same.

The Beginning
When I first started to experiment with energy work years ago, I thought I had found a panacea, the cure to my ills and flaws, the silver bullet to my greatest challenges. Little did I know that this was the start of a journey through the deepest darkest corners of a subconscious I didn’t know I had. That in and of itself was probably the most traumatic thing I have experienced in my whole life – and now I know that it was not necessary at all. The move of the 20th century to pyscho-analyze a person’s subconscious for the purposes of healing a person of their emotional imbalances has not only spread to spiritual and physical imbalances but also to inanimate objects and the universe. This is not how things were meant to be.

Labeling frequencies based on emotional concepts or mental constructs or ideas (which are all always very culturally and personally specific) covers up the inherent purpose of the frequency or the results of its interaction with other frequencies. This complicates situations to a level that fully distracts from the original problem and consequences. Not everything is created of emotional energy. Not everything can be relieved by releasing targeted frequencies or limiting beliefs. Very few things can be resolved by simply throwing light at it or asking some unseen being to take care of it or intending something in someone’s best interest and highest good. If we could really do all these things all the time, not only would the earth be perfect, we wouldn’t even be here because our frequency would be so high, we would just merge and become one energetic being and cease to be individuals. And the whole purpose of being here would be negated. But as things are, we are all still here and individuals each with a unique configuration and mission in life complete with differing interests, preferences, gifts, talents and weaknesses.

This is where the Soul Code Method becomes a very handy tool because culturally-based labels are avoided and interpretations of intent are not part of the system by design. This allows the system to be used in any environment and on behalf of anyone regardless of their belief system or lack thereof. It can also be used as a specific enhancement for any energy modality. Terms can be adapted to the individual and group environment and their beliefs and configurations. Training includes the skill of translation and adaptation so that you can work with anyone of any belief system comfortably as well as trauma survivors with layers of cognitive dissonance or disassociation. PWPL and the love and forgiveness of PWPL are universal and available to all who accept these things into their hearts.