Asking for Help to Allow

Prayer is one of the most amazing tools we have to communicate with our Higher Power/PWPL/God. Many of us make a point of praying for help in many areas of our lives including praying for healing. Miracles have happened because of this. Yet miracles do not always happen and this tests the faith of many. Other times, miracles take a while to come to pass or they do not come at the intensity required for the situation. Our Higher Power/PWPL/God wants us to receive miracles. Our Higher Power/PWPL/God wants us to fulfill a purpose in this world. Our Higher Power/PWPL wants us to be happy and creative. Our Higher Power/PWPL/God is always there offering – we simply need to receive – but there lies the rub.

We don’t allow ourselves to receive all that our Higher Power/PWPL/God wants us to receive. So when we pray and beg and plead for our Higher Power/PWPL/God to grant us miracles yet we don’t receive them, it’s not our Higher Power/PWPL/God’s fault we don’t receive them. It’s at some level, our own fault. We may blame it on the influence of our subconscious but we have veto power over our subconscious. We may blame it on our genes or our ancestors or our physical environment. We may blame it on our childhood trauma or our current circumstances. We may blame it on false beliefs in our chakras or blocks on our meridians or muck on our auras. We may even blame it on God. But in the end, it is our very own choice. This choice must be made down to the very core of our essence. However, we may feel like we need help to make this choice to the extent necessary. This is where prayer comes in! If we ask our Higher Power/PWPL/God for help in allowing our Higher Power/PWPL/God to give us what we need, those false beliefs or fears or incomplete understandings are resolved so we can make the decision to choose to receive blessings.

Following up on this, it is also a good idea to make sure we have dedicated our choice to our Higher Power/PWPL/God. Not only does this protect our choice from the influences of our subconscious and other things, it also allows our choice to be strengthened and magnified. When we do this, our faith is increased and strengthened as well.

We have our own lives but we are also involved with many people including our families, friends, colleagues, congregation, and so many others. These people also need the support of their Higher Power/PWPL/God but may not realize how their choices either help the receive this support or reject it. While it would be nice to talk with each person we have contact with about this choice, it is often impractical or at times impossible. This is also where prayer, our Higher Power/PWPL/God’s wonderful gift to us, comes into play. Instead of simply praying that a person be blessed with this or that, it is often more effective to pray that they be helped to allow the blessings you want for them or that they need. It is a fine difference yet an important distinction. Not everyone realizes the importance of their choices in relation to all the influences in and around them that would keep them from making the choice to be blessed. But when we pray for them, God sends his emissaries to persuade and convince the person at whatever level to make the choice to be blessed. It might take time and many prayers but it will help the person.

Pray for someone today that they be helped to allow the blessings God has for them!

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