Finding the True Voice of Your Heart

We all have much to learn about ourselves and sometimes it is really hard to realize how much the heart is involved in the decisions we make on a daily basis. It is hard because the traumas we experience as children result in skewed views of the world and how to live it. Skewed views usually keep us from the information we need to not only resolve old issues but to also become more resilient against new ones. If I cannot totally resolve the issues that skew my perception, I will never be able to perceive where the true core issue of my problem is. Getting to the core of any issue is the only way to solve it. Anything else is a band-aid over the wound.

Getting to the core of an issue requires each type of information involved right back to the original trauma even if it is inherited. Without this information, the physical body will not know what to let go of or allow to be changed. So having access to this information is critical. Yet because of differences due to energy type, family line type, and essence type, getting the information may not be as easy as simply energy testing the subconscious. A person is more than their subconscious when it comes to many issues. Therefore, it is of great importance to access a person in such a way that all sources of information for everything about that person is available. I call this the person’s truth. This is a subset of all truth and is the truth that that person has been exposed to and has allowed into their essence. This means that every person in the world has a different truth than anyone else. A person’s truth is unique to them and them alone. Accessing a person’s truth is accessing the very depths of that person’s core.

To understand a person’s truth, it needs to be translated through structures of pure white perfect light which culminates in what I call the person’s true voice. This voice of truth comes through a person’s heart into the outside world and physical body of the person. When a person’s true voice is 100% full and direct and complete, you will have all the information about that person and all of their issues and goals. You could also say that a person’s true voice is also the voice of their higher selves which I consider the person after all has been healed and developed to the highest level possible for this universe. Interpreting that information depends on your mental structures and how properly connected to your essence and the essence of PWPL. As practitioners, our goal should be to help a person heal and develop their true voice so that their life can heal and develop to its full potential. But to help our client’s, we must work on our own true voice and let it fill our heart and soul to the max!

All modalities can do this true voice work; however, the modality you use must include not only mental structure healing skills but also any sort of connection issue repair and growth skills. The Soul Code Method can help you find your true voice easily!

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