Tag Archives: modality

Safe and Effective Group Work

Group work in energy psychology or energy healing is a vastly misunderstood topic and entails more involvement with the individual members of a group than most practitioners are aware of. Traditionally, emotion-based energy workers simply detect a negative emotional energy field within a group and release it. But few stop to analyze what allowed the individuals in a group to each hold onto that negative energy to begin with. Furthermore, few follow up on the results of such releases in the individuals of the group. And even fewer consider possible unwanted negative consequences for susceptible members of the group.

Another aspect of group work is the basic fact that energy work is not exclusively about releasing negative emotional energy. Emotional energy is the product of beliefs which themselves are not emotional energy but are structures that carry and interpret light a bit like optic fibers. Every single person is configured differently with their own set of belief structures unique to their situation and choices. Because each person carries a unique set of belief structures, no other person can truly and fully interpret things the same way as that first person. It is essentially impossible to walk in a person’s moccasins to that extent. In addition, incompatible belief structures can be absorbed by or forced into a person’s field which do not interpret the person’s own light but rather light from another indirect source not in the person’s best interest or highest good. Incompatible structures can interfere with a person’s own structures and cause cognitive dissonance and flow issues in any area of the person’s life or body. They can also be triggered by well intentioned work if the practitioner does not take precautions. But few are even aware of this potential situation. And fewer have any idea on how best to avoid triggering something that they have no awareness of and can’t have awareness of.

The Soul Code Method is probably one of the best modalities for dealing with this situation safely. Because practitioners are human and by definition imperfect in awareness, intent, intuition and action, the SCM relies on PWPL (Pure White Perfect Light – the whole spectrum of light that made the Universe and all in it) to not only be perfectly aware but also to also perfectly intend, know and do. PWPL knows what needs to be done and how best to do it – we just need to be told what that is and ask for it. But PWPL cannot force anything onto anyone, even those who have already passed on. Permission to do anything for anyone must be procured and explicitly expressed by all in the group to allow effective and safe group work for all involved. Often it is impossible for us as practitioners to get explicit permission from every member of a group so we ask PWPL to ask permission of all involved. PWPL invites all involved into the field of the situation and asks for the necessary permission for action to be taken. This means only those who have given permission will have any work done for them. Often we may not know all who are involved so we trust that everyone willing to accept the help will be helped and those who haven’t, won’t – without their personal boundaries being overstepped at all. This also means no one will suffer unintended consequences resulting from any work done for the group.

Besides permission, the next critical thing to take into account is the unique, individual way a member of the group may interact with a group negative energy (or belief structure, for that matter). PWPL is aware of all the possible configurations. If we have asked PWPL to invite all involved into a situation, the actual steps that need to be taken for anyone in the group are accounted for and sorted in such a way that when you use the SCM Basic Table to determine the necessary steps, each step will be done at the same time for every member of the group that truly needs it and no others. This makes the work more efficient, effective and safe for both the group and the individuals, regardless if negative emotional energy is released, incompatible structures are removed or compatibles structures healed or new compatible structures are installed. It also includes the repair and healing of connections that are critical to the flow of light from each individual’s essence.

While any modality that lends itself to group work can use the technique of asking PWPL to invite all involved into the situation to be worked on, using the SCM Basic Table for all the group work steps spares you the need of psycho-analysis or interpretation or the exact words of a belief structure or named emotional energy, or any details of who or what or how many were involved and when or why. Simply trust PWPL to do what is in the best interest and highest good of all involved.