Muscle Testing Different Energy Types

We all have an energy signature. It is part of what makes each of us unique yet human. This energy signature is not chaotic but is compiled of different parts of your existence and being and physical body. This energy signature does follow a pattern that can generally be grouped into one of four types. It is not the exact same typing as, say, Carol Tuttle’s four main energy types (a popular energy type classification) but is related in part. The Soul Code Method way of energy typing allows different approaches using energy work to help resolve issues that look similar on the outside but have very different core causes on the inside. This ability to test issues according to energy type is key especially if a person has an issue that does not resolve using normal energy work methodology. It also can help energy workers who seem to have success with certain people and not with others.

In the SCM, we work with four personal energy types: Spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Mixed. Every person has some of all types but each person is normally dominant in either Spiritual, Mental, or Emotional, or is a mix of the three with either Spiritual, Mental, Emotional being somewhat dominant at different times or in different situations. Each of the Spiritual, Mental, Emotional types need a different approach with energy work and the Mixed type needs a mixed approach. This can be quite complex to muscle test if you are not sure how to find or access the information.

Often energy workers assume that the information they need from a person comes from the person’s subconscious. This is not always true. Others do their best to test the person’s higher self to get the necessary information yet this is also not always the right source of information for the situation, Still others test the person’s physical body and again this will not always give the correct information for the situation at hand. Each energy type requires information from a different a source and usually multiple sources. I know this sounds different than what is taught in other modalities but it really is true when dealing with issues that cover the mental-emotional-spiritual-physical range of entanglements in a person’s energy. One way of getting this information is to make a list of possible sources and then test each one to see what needs to be known to help a person solve an issue but that is a really cumbersome way of doing things that is also open to inaccuracy. Even talking with God about the issue can be problematic because God will only tell you what the person allows God to tell you. God never forces anyone to do anything including revealing anything about themselves. If a part of a person (for example, their subconscious) doesn’t want to reveal something for whatever reason, it won’t be revealed not even by God.

Sooooo what do we do? How do we get all the information we need to test someone’s energy and help them change? You heal their heart 100% and then test their heart! Yes, this can take extra time but if a person is suffering from chronic issues, time is necessary to get to the core of things anyway. The soul is also a source of all the necessary information for a problem or issue. Again, if the soul is healed 100%, you will be able to test the person’s soul and get the answers and direction you need to help a person reach their healing goals. In my experience, the Soul Code Method is the best and most non-triggering way to help a person get their heart and soul healed 100%. Schedule and appointment today!

The SCM Services page for scheduling

Energy Types and Their Influences

Everybody is different and so is their energy. There are many ways to look at a person’s energy and ways of allowing it to change and heal and grow. Various modalities look at how a person works with their energy and attempt to guide it in a certain way. However, this may not be the right thing to do with certain people. A person’s energy is an expression of all they’ve been through as well as all the potential that person has. Attempting to put that person’s energy into a certain direction or pattern can actually cause blocks for the person. Just like the person born with no legs who learns how to be a gymnast thereby finding ways to compensate for the lack of legs, someone born with energy patterns that do not conform to the expected ‘norm’ may not be able to accept ‘normal’ energy work without losing all they’ve gained over their life through learning how to compensate for what we take for granted.

As with a person who has an energy that doesn’t correspond to expected patterns, there can also be families that do not correspond to expected patterns. Most people don’t even realize that families have particular patterns that determine how the family develops and proceeds to the next generation. When a family has blocks to its development and growth, often it will compensate by allowing one or more of its family members to develop gifts that are not part of the ancestral palette of abilities and talents. Plants start putting all their energy into seed production when faced with lack of nutrients or with inclement weather threatening the existence of those plants. Families facing lack of resources or impending extinction in certain areas (mental, emotional, spiritual, physical) tend to put all their energy into those family members who are able to bring the family through the critical threat. This enables the family to survive. This also tends to change the family energy type and require the family heal in unorthodox ways and directions. This means that typical energetic clearing of a family line will not work or will not work as expected. Our ancestors hold onto negative energy in different ways and what may help one release a negative energy will not help another. Therefore, adaptable techniques are needed to clear and heal a non-typical family line. As far as I know, there are only a few modalities that are adaptable enough to take on a non-typical family line; Reiki, the Soul Code Method, EFT, Traditional Chinese Medicine. The easiest of these is the Soul Code Method because it is designed to be as non-triggering as possible where the others will often result in processing symptoms and, depending on the intent of the practitioner, a few false starts.

My First SCM Meme!

A critical principle in energy work!

Releasing negative energy can be wonderful but if it keeps coming back, it is essential to find the mental structure that allows the negative energy to come back or be regenerated. The Soul Code Method Certification training teaches you how to do this!

Asking for Help to Allow

Prayer is one of the most amazing tools we have to communicate with our Higher Power/PWPL/God. Many of us make a point of praying for help in many areas of our lives including praying for healing. Miracles have happened because of this. Yet miracles do not always happen and this tests the faith of many. Other times, miracles take a while to come to pass or they do not come at the intensity required for the situation. Our Higher Power/PWPL/God wants us to receive miracles. Our Higher Power/PWPL/God wants us to fulfill a purpose in this world. Our Higher Power/PWPL wants us to be happy and creative. Our Higher Power/PWPL/God is always there offering – we simply need to receive – but there lies the rub.

We don’t allow ourselves to receive all that our Higher Power/PWPL/God wants us to receive. So when we pray and beg and plead for our Higher Power/PWPL/God to grant us miracles yet we don’t receive them, it’s not our Higher Power/PWPL/God’s fault we don’t receive them. It’s at some level, our own fault. We may blame it on the influence of our subconscious but we have veto power over our subconscious. We may blame it on our genes or our ancestors or our physical environment. We may blame it on our childhood trauma or our current circumstances. We may blame it on false beliefs in our chakras or blocks on our meridians or muck on our auras. We may even blame it on God. But in the end, it is our very own choice. This choice must be made down to the very core of our essence. However, we may feel like we need help to make this choice to the extent necessary. This is where prayer comes in! If we ask our Higher Power/PWPL/God for help in allowing our Higher Power/PWPL/God to give us what we need, those false beliefs or fears or incomplete understandings are resolved so we can make the decision to choose to receive blessings.

Following up on this, it is also a good idea to make sure we have dedicated our choice to our Higher Power/PWPL/God. Not only does this protect our choice from the influences of our subconscious and other things, it also allows our choice to be strengthened and magnified. When we do this, our faith is increased and strengthened as well.

We have our own lives but we are also involved with many people including our families, friends, colleagues, congregation, and so many others. These people also need the support of their Higher Power/PWPL/God but may not realize how their choices either help the receive this support or reject it. While it would be nice to talk with each person we have contact with about this choice, it is often impractical or at times impossible. This is also where prayer, our Higher Power/PWPL/God’s wonderful gift to us, comes into play. Instead of simply praying that a person be blessed with this or that, it is often more effective to pray that they be helped to allow the blessings you want for them or that they need. It is a fine difference yet an important distinction. Not everyone realizes the importance of their choices in relation to all the influences in and around them that would keep them from making the choice to be blessed. But when we pray for them, God sends his emissaries to persuade and convince the person at whatever level to make the choice to be blessed. It might take time and many prayers but it will help the person.

Pray for someone today that they be helped to allow the blessings God has for them!

Soul Blocks and Our Essence

We all have aspects of ourselves that we are not yet aware of. We have so many talents and gifts that we have yet to discover. Our essence is the core of all of these. When our essence is not fully uncovered or accessible, our gifts and talents remain undiscovered or underdeveloped or unnoticed. If we want to increase our gifts and talents, it is important to not only open our heart but our soul as well to the point that our essence shines brightly. Working on our connections between our soul and our truth as our part of the truth of PWPL.

How does one do this? The first step is of course getting in touch with your essence. Your essence is at your very core. It s a part of your spirit body which is the pattern your physical body operates on. When there are blocks between your essence and your spirit body or between your spirit body and your physical body, your essence cannot become a part of your life to its full extent. You won’t be able to identify the gifts in your essence or in your physical body if you have any soul blocks. Releasing negative energy on top of those soul blocks will not help uncover your gifts. Only resolving soul blocks will let your light through!

Move your essence closer to your life by allowing PWPL to clear and heal your soul of all soul blocks by first opening your heart and soul and then your core. The Core Session is the easiest way to do this once your heart is 100% open and healed and fully functional and your soul is as well. If you don’t have access to someone who can help you do a Core Session, pray to have this Core Session done for you. It may take several prayers for a core level to be healed. Unfortunately, there are many people with trauma that have difficulties accessing not only their essence but their core, as well. It may take a while and much work and focus and introspection, but it is worth it! However, if you use the Soul Code Method, the core blocks can be found quickly and your conscious mind can make informed decisions on how to change according to your ability to choose and develop.

The Value of Openness in Healing

Over the years of working with people and helping them progress past the point where they were, I’ve seen lots of interesting situations. The most interesting type has been doing everything ‘right’ for a person but seeing absolutely no change in them. I call this interesting because I love puzzles and these situations are true puzzles. This isn’t to say I have not been frustrated and disappointed and those clients either. But there is always a reason why someone does not change for the better even when they are consciously desperate to do so even at the point of death. It all has to do with openness. To change, we have to be open to it – in all ways necessary. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to be absolutely open to change even when it is in their best interest and highest good.

The next question is, of course, if a person is not changing – how do they move to changing mode? Of the many ways, I want to focus on using the Soul Code Method to assist someone into change for the better mode. This also assumes the person has had a Heart Session at some level.

First, open a session properly through prayer. Then, ask your heart if you are absolutely open to change for the positive. If you get a ‘no’ or no answer, that pretty much means you are not absolutely open to positive change. To switch this, at least temporarily, put your hands on your heart and absolutely desire to want to change. Do this until your heart gives a ‘yes’ to your question of whether you absolutely open to change for the positive. If you want this to be a permanent state, give your heart to Pure White Perfect Light/God in prayer. This will let it be a part of your true absolute relationship with Pure White Perfect Light/God. After this, work on yourself and see if positive change occurs in your best interest and highest good.

If you do the exercise above and still cannot get a ‘yes’ from your heart about being absolutely open to change for the positive, it is possible that there are some inherited aspects to how your heart opens. If this is so, again pray to open a session properly and again this assumes you have had some level of Heart Session. Ask that all ancestors involved be present with their hearts. Ask all your ancestors to put their hands on their hearts and, along with you. absolutely desire to want to change for the positive. Those who have already passed on will most likely be especially appreciative of this. Once everyone gets a ‘yes’ to their desire to change positively, pray that all involved be helped to give their hearts to God. Once this is done, then ask your own heart if it is now absolutely open to change for the positive in your best interest and highest good.

If you have not had a Heart Session, you can still try this exercise on yourself. The results may take longer or require dealing with certain aspects of forgiveness that you hadn’t realized were there. Of course, it is totally worth it to deal with these aspects and get them resolved but it may not be the best point in time to do it.

If any of you try this exercise, I would be very happy to hear of your results! If you feel comfortable, please share them with me!

Hardness of Heart vs Heart Wall

In various places in holy writings, hardness of heart is mentioned (e.g., the Pharaoh not wanting to let the Children of Israel leave Egypt). There are those who assume that this means that a person has a heart wall (a concept introduced in the Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson). I have found that hardness of heart is something different than a heart wall in several main aspects.

1) A heart wall is outside of the heart; hardness of heart is incorporated into the structure of the heart.

2) A heart wall is primarily constructed of unresolved trapped emotions; hardness of heart is constructed of mental energy that is not of light and which is used to reinforce the heart.

3) Heart wall components are used to cover up damaged, severed or missing connections between the spirit and body. These connection problems keep true light from flowing as it should; hardness of heart is an attempt to strengthen weaknesses in a person’s ability to be properly connected and allow true light to flow as it should.
***Please notice the difference here: the former refers to problems in a system; the latter to a problematic system. You can have a system that is healthy and all it needs is clearing and balancing, or you can have a system that is simply weak even when it is cleared and balanced.

Non-light mental energy can be from self, inherited, forced on, absorbed from others, preconceptual. In this respect, the mechanics of how non-light mental energy comes into the body are not much different than with negative emotional energy such as trapped emotions. However, non-light mental energy is not comparable to negative emotional energy which can simply be cleared when it is fully unattached. Non-light mental energy is more like the structural aspects of computer programming while trapped emotional energy is like the content the programming generates and moves around. Without programming and the definitions it specifies, content information is useless and meaningless. You would never be able to know “love” or what people meant by it if you did not have the programming to let yourself understand and relate – you would have no relation to it. People can send you “love” energy but if you do not have the programming to accept and allow it into your heart and existence, not only do you not feel this “love”, it doesn’t get in you. If it doesn’t get in you, it cannot become part of your essence and help you heal and connect. The goal of this existence is to connect in all healthy ways possible but we need the programming made of light to do it.

The next question is how do you resolve a system weakness? The answer is: _you_ don’t. A system weakness needs to be resolved by the system designer then only the system designer knows what is necessary to resolve a weakness in the system. The designer I am referring to is the Divine/Source/the Creator/God/Pure White Perfect Light. Those that are designed by definition do not have the complete awareness and skill necessary to fix a running system, so to speak. But the Designer does. Why would the Designer design something with weaknesses? To allow resources to go to another part of the system first so that part can learn (true intelligence is all about learning and accumulating light). Once the system has learned what it needs to learn from the experience, the weakness can be resolved or reconfigured as the case may be in this metaphor.

Obviously we are the designed and we have weaknesses, at times inherit in our design. Humans are designed with weaknesses for a purpose – to learn and grow and serve ourselves and the Designer. This implies the need for trust. When we discover we have a weakness in any part of our system, we need to let our Designer take care of it rather than trying to take care of it ourselves – we simply cannot do a good job at this – this is why we can develop ‘hardness of heart’ – our imperfect attempt to strengthen our weakness. The only true way of resolving a weakness is by asking our Creator to show us our weakness (one at a time is probably better) so that we can become humble about this weakness. Here ‘humble’ means completely open to all the information necessary to know (including subconsciously) about this weakness so we can let it go fully. When we let it go fully, our Creator can reconfigure us so that the light that was not able to flow previously due to the weakness can now flow properly. This means the weakness is no longer and there is a strength there instead. When we acknowledge this new strength before our Creator and ask that it be sufficient for our life and existence (which includes all of the good influence we have in the world – for example, as practitioners), our new strength becomes stronger and we are fortified. Letting this new light into our essences is how we learn and grow and expand in understanding and ability to take action.

Tend the garden of your life with the Soul Code Method

Our conscious selves like to believe we are perfect infinite beings who are simply having a mortal experience. We simply need to intend the right things and all we want will follow. This is a true to a point. Our conscious self can believe anything it wants but unless our subconscious self also believes it, we will get frustrated in our lack of development and wonder what happened even though we are sure we are doing everything right and we must be firmly on our path.

In the end, the proof is in the pudding. If things are not as we want, something is missing. Some of us can release negative energy until the cows come home but we will be no closer to our goals than if we had not released any negative energy at all because that is not our real problem. Our problem is knowing what to do to move forward. If we lack the knowledge whether consciously or subconsciously, we will not know what to do to finally pick ourselves up and move.

Each person is configured differently than the next with no two people being the same, not even twins. If we are having problems in something, we are either blocked, disconnected or incorrectly wired to get the information we want or a mix of all these. This has to do with our energy types, the configuration we were sent to Earth with for our mortal experience. Once we figure out our energy type and learn to work with it and use it as leverage rather than a hurdle, we will be able to function better and reach our goals in all areas.

Garden gnome

Life gardening is important!

One of the easiest ways to get around your personal energy type without knowing what it is is to simply constantly do what I call “tending your garden”. Your garden is your life. Using a garden metaphor is a great way to not fall into the psycho-analysis trap (which is rarely helpful). Tending your garden includes everything you would do in a real physical garden but is done on the energetic level using the The Soul Code Basic Chart. Every garden is different just like every person is different yet all gardens require constant, consistent care to become beautiful and fruitful. This means weeding once in a season will not be useful in the end. This means proper soil preparation at the beginning and throughout is essential to get the fruit you want. You might have some good seeds but if the soil is wrong or they do not get enough of the right nutrition or enough water or light, they will not grow or will die before getting anywhere. This also means that too much light, water, nutrition will kill parts of the garden. Then of course there are the outside pests and the inside diseases that can occur in the garden of your life.

It is a very good idea to get to know your own garden and what needs to be done to tend it and increase its yield. Muscle testing is one way of intuiting this and I highly recommend it for those who are good at muscle testing their own selves. Of course any practitioner can do it for you as well. It is important to pick a person who is really good with their own garden so they can watch out for common pitfalls in gardening. A normal gardening manual is a great way to get started!

If you don’t know much about gardening and don’t have a gardening manual handy, here are a few questions to start you off. Muscle test the answers to these questions and determine if changes need to be made. Then use the The Soul Code Basic Chart to make them as well as taking conscious effort to follow through. If the conscious effort does not go smoothly and easily, that is an indication that something else needs to be adjusted or cared for to allow better access to what you need.

Here are a few questions to ask self (use your intuition for additional ones!)

      • Do I have a large enough garden for the life I want?
      • Do I have enough garden resources to handle the life I want?
      • Do I have enough seeds or transplants for the garden I want?
      • Has the ground been prepared properly for my life mission garden?
      • Do I want to have a garden? or do I want to live on someone else’s garden?
      • Am I willing to put in the work to care and tend this garden? If yes, what is keeping me from doing what needs to be done?
      • Do I want a fuller life than just working on my life mission garden? (if so, go back to the list beginning with this in mind)

Have fun with your garden! This is the most important garden you will ever tend! If you want help with your garden – don’t hesitate to make an appointment with me!

Chakra Anatomy

Most of us have heard about the chakras and the role they play in receiving external energy into the body. There are many many websites on the traditional main 7 chakras and also some of the higher chakras above the crown chakra and perhaps the foot chakra attached to the root chakra (not the sole of the foot chakra). There are many different ways of looking at this system and most in the West don’t have all the information there is on chakras and how they work or even how they are structured. One of the things I’ve looked into is just how the chakra is structured. It definitely has an anatomy but few know more about the structure of a chakra aside that it has petals and whirls around when it is active and lets certain types of energy in depending on the chakra.

I am not a guru and haven’t had the chance to go to India and study how the whole chakra system works but I have read some literature not written by a North American or European. One of those people is Master Choa Kok Sui who was the founder of Pranic Healing and eventually established healing centers in 45 countries using his modality. In most his books, the introduction to the topic includes the structure of a chakra and why the different parts are important as well as what happens if the chakra is not intact. When a chakra is not intact, no amount of balancing or activating will make it healthy and working properly. I’ve taken his description of a chakra and am now using it for determining when things are not totally right with a chakra or its parts when I work on them using the Emotion Code and the Soul Code Method.

First, I would like to show you a simple figure of the structure of a chakra which comes from the book “Pranic Psychotherapy”, though I put in the labels:


As you see in the figure, a chakra is shaped like a funnel. It has petals on the outside rim, a cone and a stem which leads into the sushumna, the central nadi or channel for transporting energy from the chakras to subnadis or subchannels going to other parts of the body.

A part of a normal chakra that I have not found described anywhere else but in Master Chao Kok Sui’s work (yet) is the chakra web. Master Chao Kok Sui describes this web as a protective filter against energetic muck and entities from the outside.

After working with quite a few people to help them heal their chakra webs, I found that there is actually a second web in the stem near the sushumna. I am sure that for those who see such things, you would have to be looking for it to see it. I discovered it when I noticed that people with intact outer webs continued to have some unexpected entity and muck problems. It turns out, this second web is like the second defense for the chakra and keeps entities from getting in from another chakra via the sushumna. So it is always wise to check how intact both webs are and if the chakra is cleared of muck.

Master Chao Kok Sui also did not restrict his work to just the seven main chakras but used a system of 11 main chakras as well as well the subchakras. Below is a figure showing the chakras he focused on also from the book “Pranic Psychotherapy”.

11 Major Chakras -Sui

One of the most interesting of these extra chakras is the Meng Mein chakra at the nook of your back almost but not quite level with the Navel chakra in the front. The Meng Mein is actually a type of pump or prana accelerator taking energy from the Root chakra and bringing it up into the higher chakras. This can be very wonderful but can only happen when both the Root and Meng Mein are happy, healthy, fully functional and intact.

How do you know if you are having problems with your Meng Mein? If you are having kidney problems, low vitality, blood pressure problems (high or low), back problems, your Meng Mein might need some healing and support. The Meng Mein chakra also controls and regulates the adrenal glands.

One of Master Chao Kok Sui’s books that I found very helpful is “The Chakras and their Functions”. It has a very useful description of each of the 11 main chakras as well as many descriptive characteristics so that you can test if your chakras are complete and intact as well as those of your clients, friends and family. Let us all have happy, fully functional and activated chakras!

The beam in your eye

I like to read the scriptures pretty much every day. I like them because not only is my soul nourished spiritually but when I read the scriptures with energetic eyes, I find the coolest guidance in how to work with myself and others. This guidance has been the backbone of my practice and own healing journey.

The other day a friend of mine in one of the FB groups I am in mentioned how so many of the EC/BC practitioners she has worked with seemed to have a ‘kingpin’ block with working with her issues. So she has been using other modalities in addition to EC/BC to achieve her healing goals. The next day, I read in 3 Nephi 14:3-5  which can also be found in Luke 6:42 and Matt 7:3-4:

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother: Let me pull the mote out of thine eye—and behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
5 Thou hypocrite, first cast the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast the mote out of thy brother’s eye.

Now some people read these verses and consider them harsh, probably because of how they are translated, but I look at them and see Jesus saying something like “You sillies, how can you help someone when you have a bigger problem that keeps you from seeing the smaller problem clearly? Please take care of yourself first (for example, put your oxygen mask on first) so that you can be a better helper to others.”

Also the fact that the beam is the person’s eye means that the person can’t see well, i.e., does not have the requisite awareness to even help someone with their problem properly. Don’t we sometimes find that in our work with energy medicine? Some people we can help easily but then there are those who we work hard being careful to do as the client’s subconscious directs yet the client does not make the improvement they would like. It is very possible we are not asking the right questions or the subconscious does not feel safe with what we are trying to do; but in some cases – is it possible we have “a beam in our eye” and don’t realize it?

Those of you who know me will not be surprised when I tell you – I checked myself, “Do I have a beam in my eye for the situation of ______?” And what do you know, I did! Oh my! (as George Takei would say) I wanted to remove the “beam in my eye” but it was not the right time. Things like that do not generally stop me so I tested to see whether I could simply deactivate it until the time was right to take care of it. And I could! It took a quite few strokes of the magnet (I always use a magnet when I am learning a new type of intention and teaching my subconscious that intention as well) which tells me that this “beam” had connections to many parts of my system.  But now it is deactivated and the situation has already become a bit more clearer. And I hope to soon be ready to actually be able to remove the beam safely and completely from my field as soon as it is prudent.

So this is what you can take from this. I think all of us have “a beam in our eye” in some situation in our lives or  in a situation with a client. We want to help but we don’t have full awareness because of an energetic block. Sometimes the block cannot be removed right away but it can be deactivated. (another blog post would be about what if anything could reactivate it). I know some practitioners make a habit of checking for energetic blocks before working with a client – this is definitely a good thing and we should all be doing it constantly. But a “beam” may be larger than our awareness might catch without it being pointed out.

After further research, I find that this type of energetic block follows the same rules as trapped emotions: You can create it yourself, you can absorb it from others (even forced on you) and it can be inherited. It can be made of trapped emotional energy but often has mental energy and the drawbacks from incomplete connection between body and spirit. It can even have entity attachments or even some non-light mixed in. In the end, the most important thing is to help your subconscious let it go as a whole and allow Pure White Perfect Light to heal where it was so the area is strengthened against new negative energy objects slipping into the slot.

Once a beam is ready to be released, you need either 3 or 10 strokes of the magnet to let go of the object and let your awareness through. You can test your percentage of awareness that is coming through. If it is not 100%, test to see why not and act accordingly.

I am sure it is possible to have multiple “beams” though they seem to be large to begin with so that may be rare.

I would love to hear if this has been helpful to anyone and what their experiences doing this are! Please let me know – for the sake of research! 😀